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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Tile of Spain participa en la feria estadounidense Coverings

Tile of Spain Participates in the American fair Coverings


16 April 2012

Of the 17 to 20 April will celebrate in the North American city of Orlando (Florida) the fair of coatings Coverings. In this occasion, the expedition of Spanish companies manufacturers of ceramics will be of 28 participants, surpassing slightly the participation of the previous edition, celebrated in The Vegas.

Coverings Is the main fair of coatings pétreos and ceramic of United States, market that is, in these moments, the ninth in importance for the Spanish ceramics to international level. The Spanish participation will find grouped in the Official Pavilion that carries organising the Institute of External Trade (ICEX) ininterrumpidamente from 1988 and that has converted to this appointment in one of the main actions that organises the entity in the frame of the Sectorial Plan of the Azulejo. As it is usual, the companies azulejeras copan the Official Pavilion being the sectorial participation more numerous of the same. This year, the Official Pavilion compose it a total of 42 companies, of which 28 are companies azulejeras.

Tile of Spain
Tile of Spain.
During the contest will follow promocionando the Spanish product under the slogan ‘Yes, we choose Spanish Ceramic'. This campaign, presented in 2010, is based in the differential attributes of the Spanish ceramics that they are ecology, design, innovation and technology; some values with which every time identifies more to the Spanish product in the American market.

Besides, inside the strategy of promotion of Tile of Spain in United States, will spread a catalogue with main novelties of the present companies in the fair, will organise several seminars and courses of learning headed to architects, interioristas, designers, distributors, contractors and North American installers, and will celebrate of an international presses conference.

In spite of that in the last years, the shopping of Spanish product in the American market have suffered a descent; at present they have stabilised , situating as ninth market in importance for the exports of our country. The sales to EE UU in 2011 reached the 65,3 million euros, what supposed 1,1% more than in 2010.

Stand out that the way to grow of the sector in EE UU finds in those niches of market that do not confront to a situation of recession (high range in retail channel, commercial construction through designers and architects); a spectrum of the market in which, by quality, design and technical qualities, has to find the Spanish ceramics.

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Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Azulejos y Pavimentos Cerámicos

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