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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Schneider Electric celebra el segundo encuentro anual con su red de partners Ecoxpert
Meeting in Madrid of the companies of the network Ecoxpert adhered in Spain

Schneider Electric celebrates the second annual meeting with his network of partners Ecoxpert

Ruth Roig Rocher22/04/2014

The day of Schneider Electric that has celebrated in Madrid to exchange points of view between the companies of Ecoexpert, has resulted all a success. Since it implanted in the year 2011 the network Ecoexpert has increased his volume in 200 companies adhered in Spain. Noemí Nephew and Jorge Tórtola have done a balance on these years and have approached to the media so much his vision and perspective like the aims of the network Ecoxpert.

Noemí Nephew, director of the Channel Ecoxpert, beside Jorge Tórtola, vice-president of Building Ecobusiness of Schneider Electric...

Noemí Nephew, director of the Channel Ecoxpert, beside Jorge Tórtola, vice-president of Building Ecobusiness of Schneider Electric.

Schneider Electric has celebrated in Madrid the second annual meeting Ecoxpert Meeting Point, a day headed to the network of companies adhered to the program Ecoxpert to share the vision and last market trends of the solutions of energetic efficiency in the sectors of the industry and the buildings. In the meeting, Schneider Electric and his network of partners Ecoxpert have presented the last tendencies in solutions of energetic efficiency, cases of success and perspectives of future.

Ecoxpert Is the first network of skilled companies in solutions of energetic efficiency and renewable energies. It treats of an international project implanted by Schneider Electric in 12 countries with a total of 1.100 companies.

Presses conference

Presses conference.

The program, created in the year 2011, pretends to provide to the companies adhered, of local character, the necessary tools, so much to level of learning as of coaching, so that they are to the avant-garde of the solutions with more future. Of this way, Ecoxpert turns into a sign that recognises the quality and efficiency of the installation and the absolute confidence by part of Schneider Electric, referent world-wide in management of the power and energetic efficiency.

In Spain, the network has almost 200 companies adhered, that have been selected and formed to cover the needs of the market around the fields of the energetic saving and the systems of energetic supervision, guaranteeing the coverage in all the Spanish geography.

Noemí Nephew, director of the Channel Ecoxpert appreciated to the means, have attended to the meeting

Noemí Nephew, director of the Channel Ecoxpert appreciated to the means, have attended to the meeting.

The meeting has had the participation closely of two hundred representatives of companies of the program Ecoxpert.

Jorge Tórtola, vice-president of Buildings and Ecobusiness of Schneider Electric Spain, and Noemí Nephew, director of the Channel Ecoxpert, have stood out in the day that the volume of business in 2013 increased in 5% with regard to 2012 and gave more than 25.000 hours of learning. 2014, they have explained, “it will be the year of the specialisation, where will give specific learnings and to measure for each type of Ecoxpert according to his speciality and technical capacities”. Besides, this year the network of partners also will centre his efforts in improving the communication and the digitalisation, with launching of new digital platforms.

During the presses conference offered to the media, Jorge Tórtola has declared that “with Ecoxpert want to give him value to the mark Schneider Electric, our aim is that it know us no only of professional form, but of residential form also, each one in his house”. “This mark guarantees that the network Ecoxpert is endorsed by a guarantee”.

Jorge Tórtola, vice-president of Building Ecobusiness of Schneider Electric, during his intervention

Jorge Tórtola, vice-president of Building Ecobusiness of Schneider Electric, during his intervention.

Pioneer in Ecoxpert

"Spain is a pioneering country in Ecoxpert," has manifested Jorge Tórtola, of equal way that has declared that "also this network has worked in diverse European countries as it is the case of France and Italy". Doing special quotation to our country as "of 1.100 companies Ecoxpert, 200 there is in Epaña, that is to say, something more than 20%".

Both experts have recognised that there is a brecha with the architects put that no has given them to know fully the project Ecoxpert. "We have to focalizar the commercial resources that have to visit to the cabinets of architecture and in this way do them connoisseurs," has declared.

By his part, Noemí Nephew desveló to the means that “the traditional installations are simplifying and the most important advance is being the IP”. Also it spoke on the importance of the learning of the companies that form part of the network Ecoxpert: “they Can be companies Ecoxpert those that are committed and that go through some specific courses of learning to face up to all the changes”. Doing upsetting in that “we want that our partners are qualified and that they are able to detect points of saving in an installation. Therefore same ask them a commitment of not abandoning the plan”. As it added Noemí Nephew “have companies that have of 2 to 50 employees like average".

Jorge Tórtola gave special importance to that “our technological challenge is that all our platforms can speak of native form, between all they, with the concept of ‘webservice'”.

Finally moved to the means that there is a university of Schneider Electric in the web, which offers courses very powerful gratuítamente to purchase knowledge and sensitise to the people.

When finalising the interventions began a turn of questions

When finalising the interventions began a turn of questions.

The program Ecoxpert bases in the cooperation between the field of the company and the learning. The learnings, given by Schneider Electric, are oriented to the management of the change that the partners have to realizar to turn into able companies to advise to his customers and collaborators on the management of the power, the consumptions and the energetic savings of a building, already are offices, industries, hotels or restaurants. Like this then , the learnings orient to the detection of energetic savings. Like this, after finalising the first phase of learning, the companies participants have of the tools and the necessary knowledges to be able to realizar consultancies of energetic savings and implement solutions of energetic efficiency.

The Group offered an appetizers to the invited

The Group offered an appetizers to the invited.

The 200 companies that form at present the network Ecoxpert conform a community of support and knowledge for all the sector. With the obtaining of the certificate Ecoxpert, the companies have the total confidence and support of a big group like Schneider Electric and the guarantee that the installations realizar will answer always to the more standard heights of quality, innovation and energetic efficiency. In this sense, the network Ecoxpert by Schneider Electric is a network of companies emprendedoras, innovative, and engaged with the sustainable development and the energetic efficiency.

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