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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Arranca el curso en la Red de Cátedras de Cerámica de Ascer

It starts the course in the Network of Chairs of Ceramics of Ascer


30 October 2013

Practically all the Network of Chairs of Ceramics that Ascer has under way in Schools of architecture in Spain and abroad, already have given beginning to the activities of the course 2013/14. The Chairs that conform the Network in Schools of Spain -Upper Technical School of architecture of the University of Alicante, Upper Technical School of architecture of the Polytechnical University of Valencia, Upper Technical School of architecture of the Polytechnical University of Madrid, the School of Technical architecture of the University Jaume I of Castellón and the Upper Technical School of architecture of the International University of Catalonia – are already immersed in the organisation of visits to factories, conferences, realisation of projects, etc. with which will achieve to motivate to students, profesorado, lecturers, as well as to the own industry.

Each Chair develops his work from an own approach centring in different characteristics of the material and in diverse solutions inside the architecture. All share the aim to spread the knowledge and the use of the ceramic coatings in the field of the architecture, so much to level of students, teaching as between professional architects. For this program interesting technical conferences and visits, develop projects of diverse type and organise contests and colloquia in which no only the students remain excited.

In addition to the course in the Spanish Schools members of the Network of Chairs, also start now the collaborations of Ascer in Universities out of our borders. Like this also it inaugurates the course in Graduate School of Design (GSD) of the University of Harvard (EE UU), where develops by fifth consecutive year the project ‘Ceramic Futures' by means of which study formal appearances of the ceramics and the sustainability of this material. This collaboration is giving interesting results, and in Cevisama 2014 will be able to see inside the sample Trans/Milestones a prototype of the developed in the breast of the GSD.

This year the Chair of Barcelona, the first that set up celebrates his tenth anniversary
This year the Chair of Barcelona, the first that set up celebrates his tenth anniversary.
A year more, continues the agreement of collaboration with the German University of Darmstadt, where the past 14 October began officially the classes of the course. Previously, a group of 20 students displaced until Spain to know closely the sector and works with use of ceramics to be able to develop the project of the course. This year the thematic turns around the research of similarities between the Catalan modernism (with an exhaustive use of ceramics) and the modernism of the zone of Darmstadt, for this will analyse formally the own elements of house style and will deepen in the paper that plays the ceramics in both for later develop own designs of inspired by ceramic pieces this analysis.

This is the third year of collaboration with the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) through the project ‘Illuminating Through Ceramics' (Lighting through the ceramics). This summer, will repeat the experience to organise a workshop intensive of three weeks of length in which it will deepen in the same thematic that in 2013: ‘Performative Screens' whose aim is to investigate in the use of the ceramics in systems to block the direct light (radiation UV) and distribute the light of uniform way in the interiors.

Along the year, in these Universities will organise distinct workshops, conferences, exhibitions and days in which the Spanish ceramics will take leadership. The collaborations out of Spain form part of the Plan of Sectorial Promotion of Icex Spain Export and Investments and have the support of the Commercial Offices of Spain in Miami, Düsseldorf and London respectively.

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