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Coinciding with his 40 anniversary

Grohe Live! Center Opens officially his doors

Editorial Interempresas20/09/2013

The German group Grohe reinforce his presence in the Spanish market with the opening of a showroom on foot of street. The inauguration was chaired by Felip Puig i Godes, conseller d'Company i Ocupació of the Government of Catalonia.

One of the most eminent centres of the design and the culture in the Mediterranean, Barcelona, already has another appeal for the lovers of the design: the Grohe Live! Center Of Barcelona. Grohe, the world-wide specialist in sanitary ware products, has inaugurated officially this showroom in the Avenue Sarrià with an act chaired by Felip Puig i Godes, conseller d'Company i Ocupació of the Government of Catalonia.

Grohe Live! Center Of Barcelona
Grohe Live! Center Of Barcelona.

In the opening, Grohe gathered to authorities and personalities of the Barcelonan society, as well as distinct members of the sector (customers, distributors, architects, designers, bloggers and skilled presses). During the event, the school of kitchen Hoffman, served an especially designed catering for the occasion. For his manufacturing, that realizar in the kitchen of the same showroom, used the new system of water filtered Grohe Blue.

Intervention of Felip Puig i Godes, conseller d'Company i Ocupació of the Government of Catalonia
Intervention of Felip Puig i Godes, conseller d'Company i Ocupació of the Government of Catalonia.

The Grohe Live! Center Of Barcelona is an only space to explore the variety and depth of range of this mark. Like this, the German group Grohe expands his presence in the Spanish market with a big investment by part of the company, and opened the doors of the space to the public the past month of July.

The opening of the room of exhibition coincides with the celebration of the 40 years of relation of the manufacturer of sanitary ware with Barcelona. Grohe Reinforces once again his commitment with the country and the sector, investing in some new offices (inaugurated the past month of December), and now with a new and spectacular showroom of 500 m2.

During the event, the school of kitchen Hoffman, served an especially designed catering for the occasion
During the event, the school of kitchen Hoffman, served an especially designed catering for the occasion.

Architects, designers of interiors and installers are some of the groups that benefit enormously of the new Grohe Live! Center, where the sophisticated griferías, showers and systems of installation of the company can see , touch and test. Everything turns around the style and design, advances and technologies, modern lifestyles and last tendencies, to provide an inspiring experience for the professionals and the consumers.

Design of the Grohe Live! Center

According to the interiorista of the space and president of the school of interioristas of the Valencian Community, Carmen Baselga, “often especulamos on which is the future of the chamber of bathroom in the house, on the new needs in the society of the welfare and how all this sees reflected in the inner architecture. The new showroom of Grohe collects these interests and the plasma in an open space, clear and rotundo with different proposed chords with different lifestyles. One of the premises was that each environingingment showed the own privacy of a bathroom and at the same time an opening feeling, of interrelationship with other parts of the house; they create like this clear and clear-cut spaces but merged at the same time with the surroundings, and at the same time achieves a good vision of group“.

The inauguration had the assistance of numerous invited
The inauguration had the assistance of numerous invited.

Grohe Live! Center Thinks in the professionals

The Grohe Live! Center, of Grohe, go further of the concept of exhibition of product. They are spaces of exchange of experiences and knowledge for the professionals of the sector. No in vain, they are endowed of classroom of learning and simulators for practices.

Between the distinct novelties that expose in the showroom, Grohe gives to know Grandera, a new series of bathroom that is cream of the original fusion between classicism and modernity. The esbeltez and the classical elegance beside the sharpness of the modern lines, have inspired to Paul Flowers (visible head of the awarded department of design of Grohe) to conceive this elegant, beautiful and atemporal payment that contributes style and sofistificación to the chamber of bathroom.

The Grohe Live! Center, of Grohe, go further of the concept of exhibition of product
The Grohe Live! Center, of Grohe, go further of the concept of exhibition of product.

Likewise, deserves a preferential deal, in the new space, the kitchen taps Minta Touch. His innovative technology EasyTouch allows to put it in operation with an alone touch. It suffices with presionar momentáneamente the new Minta Touch with the back of the hand, the doll or the forearm to do it work. Like this it keeps always intact and clean for a greater hygiene.

The Grohe Live! Center Are spaces of exchange of experiences and knowledge for the professionals of the sector
The Grohe Live! Center Are spaces of exchange of experiences and knowledge for the professionals of the sector.

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