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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Guillermo De Robert, gerente de Intergrúas 2000
“The sobreoferta prevents to begin to revalorizar the prices for hire”

Interview to Guillermo Of Robert, manager of Intergrúas 2000

David Muñoz02/12/2011

2 December 2011

To the hour to relieve his parks of machinery, increasingly companies for hire trust the services of skilled signatures in the purchase-sale of these teams, that to have international collaborators, facilitate besides the exit of this excedente out of our borders. In the case of the mobile cranes, Intergrúas 2000 comes realising this work from does years, consolidating as a partner of confidence for diverse alquiladores.

In which levels moves today the sobreoferta of mobile cranes in Spain, with regard to the existent demand? It has recortado this disequilibrium in the last months?

The work in Spain follows going down and the alquiladores follow reducing his park to adapt to the economic situation. But I think that the available rhythm follows being underneath of what would have and that the sobreoferta prevents to begin to revalorizar the prices for hire.

Guillermo Of Robert, manager of Intergrúas 2000
Guillermo Of Robert, manager of Intergrúas 2000.

It is homogénea this sobreoferta in all the ranks of capacities of load, from the smallest cranes until the biggest?

Inside the market for hire, can say that, in the rank of big tonelaje, already has recortado enough the sobreoferta. The park is more or less balanced with the demand, and the proof is in that it does not sell a lot of crane of big tonelaje. One of the consequences is the level of price for hire, that sometimes has been able to reequilibrar in favour of the alquilador although no the sufficient. But no longer it is to the catastrophic level of the price for hire of the cranes of small tonelaje, of 25 to 80 tonnes. In this rank, himself that follows having sobreoferta with regard to the work that exists.

It thinks that the park of mobile cranes in Spain grew of irrational form during the times of bonanza?

Does not be necessary to forget that Spain is a relatively small country. With 47 million inhabitants, finds in the position 29 of the most populated countries of the world. In spite of this, Spain, in the 4 or 5 previous years to the crisis, bought between 300 and 350 mobile cranes new to the year, while France, with a more important population and an industrial network much more developed, did not arrive to 100 new units bought to the year.

And in the purchase of used, much more difficult of contabilizar, occurred the same. We have happened a whole decade (from 1998 until 2007) cleaning the parks of mobile cranes used of Western Europe.

To which factors attributes Unit this so disproportionate growth?

In good part because it went associated to the totally disordered growth and desregulado of the sectors inmobiliarios and financial of the Spanish economy. The financial entities did not fulfil with his regulatory function, giving easy access to the market for hire of cranes to a lot of companies or employers that in a normal situation had not had it.

Batch of mobile cranes that has worked Intergrúas 2000
Batch of mobile cranes that has worked Intergrúas 2000.

How it can help to relieve the parks for hire a skilled company in the purchase-sale of cranes like Intergrúas 2000?

This is very simple, helping to regulate the market adjusting the park to the existent demand.

Which would stand out Unit like differential elements of the service that offer to the alquilador Spanish in need to sell an or several cranes?

Carry 5 years with the certification ISO:9001, which gives to understand that our company is focused mainly to the satisfaction of the customer. This translates , in our job, with an offer of service to measure. At present, they exist two situations differentiated like available reasons: the alquilador that sells active free of load to do box, or the one who sells active funded to remove letters and to his time lighten the monthly accounts. Our service adapts to said realities.

To the seller that does not have urgent need to sell, value him to the best price his active and offer him an available management in which it includes the administrative work (transmission or drop of the vehicle), financial (credit documentario, relation with the bank, register of BM…), technical (intervention of mechanic…) and logistical (organisation of transport and freight). We put to his disposal our advertising means, publishing his cranes to international level, in webs and magazines.

And to the seller that, by the contrary, has an urgent need to have of liquidity, what offer him?

A fast and whole purchase of his material. Of this way, the machinery happens to form part of our stock, after which carries out the available management.

Our team composes of a commercial manager and of three workers involucrados in the administrative management, logistical, financial and operational of the sales. We put to disposal of the customers, so many sellers like buyers, these means with the end to carry out an available management 100% satisfactory, what differentiates us of our competition.

"In the rank of the mobile cranes of 25 to 80 ton follows having sobreoferta with regard to the work that exists"

Which guarantees has the possible buyer of a crane used that this team was in optimum conditions of operation?

Before offering the crane, commission us conscientiously of averiguar the financial situation, economic and technical in which it finds . For this displace us to test the operation of the crane, leave clearly defined the available conditions with the owner and inform us so much of the juridical situation of the company as of his active. Of this form the customer buyer will be very informed on the product and his available conditions before programming a trip, in occasions quite long.

But do not forget that a crane used is not a new crane. There is not contractual guarantee. The first responsibility of the possible buyer is the election of a professional salesperson and competent. Without being a guarantee, this will help him to realise a safer purchase.

Also exists the possibility that we hire an independent technical service for the exhaustive review of the crane to purchase.

Delivery of a mobile crane to some Asian customers
Delivery of a mobile crane to some Asian customers.

The globalisation is a process imparable, also to commercial level with the mobile cranes. With which international network explain already in Intergrúas 2000?

Carry time developing an international network of purchase-sales associated that they allow us have a wide knowledge of some markets. This network is present in the markets of east Europe, Half Orient, Asia and Sudamérica, what has allowed us sell along this year near of 60 cranes.

Spain has happened to be an importing country of a big volume of mobile cranes (reference prioritaria for a lot of manufacturers) to look for give exit out of our borders to many of them. Which are the markets foráneos where at present exists greater demand of this type of machines?

The demand is fluctuating a lot and some of the countries that buy cranes in these moments are Chile, Qatar, South Korea, Australia…

“In Morocco there is work for the ten next years, the good perspectives are still in vigour”

Intergrúas 2000 was of the first companies in betting by the market norteafricano. It has seen prejudiced his growth in this zone by the called “Arab Spring”?

The Moroccan market has seen paralysed some months to the expectation of the result of the general elections that took place to finals of November of this year. But the advantage of Morocco is that it is a country with undoubted political stability and with a monarchy directed by a young king, conscious of the vital needs of his country, by which the Arab Spring did not give place to drastic changes in the country. The good perspectives of existent work from does several years are still in vigour. In Morocco there is work for the ten next years.

Have mattered a lot of mobile cranes, the park has grown a lot and begins to have sobreoferta in some sectors.

In which situation finds now the business initiative that started in Morocco?

Inside this situation that commented, the company Intergrues Levage, created in 2009, finds in period of stabilisation. In 2011, we have not increased our park although we have improved the training of our operators of cranes and mechanics.

To commercial level, follow working in big projects like Tanger-Med, the factory of Renault or the refinery of Mohamedia near of Casablanca. Our ratio of occupation of the park is of 92%.

Intergrúas 2000 has collaborated in reducing the sobreoferta of mobile cranes that still keeps in Spain
Intergrúas 2000 has collaborated in reducing the sobreoferta of mobile cranes that still keeps in Spain.

How it thinks that it will evolve the market of the mobile crane in Spain during the next months?

Presents us a year 2012 more complicated that the 2011. The crisis of the European debt forces to our new government to recortar more in the budgets, in consequence there will be new projects in 2012.

This year has been disastrous for the companies, many of which have had to employ the existent reservations to be able to be still working or simply have disappeared, but the worst of everything follows being in the fault of perspectives. To such point that a lot of companies ask if it is worth it to follow struggling, instead of simply sell the active and close the business.

How can invest this so negative situation?

The whole profession has to reflexionar and work in creating the suitable conditions for revalorizar the prices for hire. By the way, to be able to delete the sobreoferta of mobile cranes in Spain, each company has to adapt his park to the needs of his area of business. But think that delete the sobreoferta of cranes is sufficient for revalorizar the prices for hire would be to forget the previous years, when there was work, a lot of work, and in a lot of zones of Spain the prices were to a low level.

It is necessary to take advantage of this crisis to structure the market with the end to go up the prices for hire. The respect of the geographic zones could be one of the solutions.

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Intergrúas 2000

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