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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Manuel Sánchez Bada, director de Ingeniería en Himoinsa

“The productive centres of Himoinsa possess high levels of automation and an efficient layout”

Interview to Manuel Sánchez Bada, director of Engineering in Himoinsa

Editorial Interempresas06/09/2013

More than 300000 square metres of installations, eight productive centres all over the world, machinery of last generation and a studied layout in all his factories allow to Himoinsa develop a rigorous productive process and integrated , in which it includes the manufacture of almost 100% of the components that integrate the group electrógeno. The director of Engineering of Himoinsa, Manuel Sánchez Bada, speech on the process of production, doing a route by the centres of treatment of the metal and the factories of assembled that the multinational has delivered all over the world.

What means that Himoinsa was a vertical manufacturer?

The vertical integration supposes to incorporate inside a same company the maximum quantity of processes that can .

In the case of Himoinsa, the vertical integration is a fully compensated integration, since to in front has his own network of distribution, what does him have a lot of control on the market. And to backwards, during the manufacture of the final product, incorporates the maximum quantity of productive processes.

Of this way, designs and manufactures all the components that integrate the group electrógeno: alternators, pictures of control, electronic and components of metallic manufacture.

A good example of the vertical integration is the last line that Himoinsa has incorporated inside his process of manufacture. It treats of a new line to manufacture all the pipe that composes the group electrógeno, so much for the systems of leakage as for the systems of refrigeration.

This supposes lines of machines to deform, cut and curvar the tube of steel. The company has of curvadoras of electrical tube of last generation.

The two main aims that looks for Himoinsa with this vertical integration are the flexibility, since we can adapt us much better to the requests of the markets and customers; and the control on the dates of delivery, shorten the dates of delivery the maximum possible.

Manuel Sánchez Bada, director of Engineering in Himoinsa

Manuel Sánchez Bada, director of Engineering in Himoinsa.

Where they are the productive centres of Himonsa? Of how many has?

The fact to be a vertical manufacturer has forced to Himoinsa, in addition to having several centres of final product, strategically delivered by all the world, as they are the factories of assembling of Spain, EE UU, China, India and Brazil, to have centres of production of semielaborados in several continents. Of this way have the factory of alternators in Argentina, the design and manufacture of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in Valencia (Spain), the factory of treatment of the metal in Spain, China and the Indian.

Himoinsa, all over the world, has more than 300.000 m2 of factories, where exist the most modern systems of flexible manufacture. Precisely, to be flexible and give a fast answer. This includes automatic centres of storages of sheet and semielaborados. For example in the factory of Spain, Himoinsa has more than 400 locations, is able to store more than 1.200 tonnes of sheet to supply to punch presseses, paneladoras, machines of cutting laser, ideals to cut material of greater thickness, own of the heavy range. Besides it has of folding machines conventional, welding robotizada…

Himoinsa Has several lines of manufacture, specifically for the superficial finishing with dust of polyester exposídico, with a high aseguramiento of the quality and a previous system of chemical treatment, to avoid the corrosion, besides, of the cut of soundproofing by high pressesure of water.

Which is the Layout of the factories of the company?

All the factories of Himoinsa possess high levels of automation. So much the factory of semielaborados, where there is a series of intelligent warehouses that distribute the pieces in function of the demand of each machine; as the one of final assembling, that also has an automatic warehouse where enters the material and goes it supplying to each place of setting in function of the orders of manufacture.

The process of manufacture of the group electrógeno part with the programming, to level of production, of all the semielaborados that compose the group electrógeno and that are integrated inside the company in his vertical manufacture.

There is a series of processes very controlled, where initially assemble engine and alternator, controlling painstakingly the quality and the pair of tighten of the screws. Later it happens to the chain of setting, where a mechanical specialist and an electrical specialist finish to assemble all the subsystems of the machine.

The group electrógeno happens an exhaustive control of quality. It enters in the banks of proof where will do him a new control of quality of all the subsystems that integrate it.

Have of a productive process so rigorous and integrated demands, among others, an important team of Engineering How many Centres of Engineering there is delivered by all the world?

To be able to carry out all this effort to level of integration, manufacture and maintenance of products, Himoinsa needs a team of engineering very wide. At present there are 80 engineers delivered by all the centres of engineering of Himoinsa. To this it is necessary to add the 50 technicians, highly qualified, that work daily for the area of Engineering; professionals with a lot of experience and with a technical level very high.

The customer is the main point for Himoinsa, therefore the Commercial Engineering, in addition to loaning a very important service to the customers, to the hour to choose the best solution for each application, approaches to the heart of the development of the company all the needs of this market. Only like this it guarantees the development of new products, of new ranges of power generators.

At present there are 80 engineers delivered by all the centres of engineering of Himoinsa

At present there are 80 engineers delivered by all the centres of engineering of Himoinsa.

What supposes for Himoinsa the realisation of days of open doors, as the one who recently has realizar with the visit of industrial engineers to the installations of the company?

The days OpenDay pretend to approach to professionals of other sectors, as it can be the one of the Engineering, to the core of Himoinsa and give them to know how works the company, so that we can create these synergies, taking advantage of an important road of communication.

Why it characterises the mark Himoinsa? What does it different?

What differentiates to Himoinsa of other manufacturers of power generators and towers of lighting is his capacity of aunar design, quality and good service. If the mark Himoinsa characterises by something is precisely for being competitive in every aspect, does not renounce to the competitiveness in any appearance of the business.

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Himoinsa, S.L.

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