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Intermat 2012 has served of big international shop window to show the last innovations in matter of motors

Hearts that laten stronger and healthier that never

David Muñoz20/04/2012

20 April 2012

In the year 2014, the manufacturers of machinery ‘off road' have to face the big technological challenge that supposes the entrance in force of the normative Tier 4 End / Stage 4, that substitutes to the Tier 4 Interim/ Stage IIIB and that involves, between other things, a reduction of 80% in the broadcasts of NOx (of 2.0 g/kWh to 0.4 g/kWh). So that the new machines can answer positively to these requests, the producers of motors carry years investing in R&D, a big innovative effort whose fruit could be admired in Intermat 2012. Resumimos Some of the proposals presented in the Parisian fair.


Caterpillar Has presented in Intermat 2012, like two of his big novelties, the engine C7.1 Acert adapted to the normative Tier 4 End / Stage IV, and the unit of power C13 Acert.

The next generation of the Cat C7.1 consists in an engine of 7.1 litres and 6 cylinders that supplies powers of 116 to 225 kW for a wide range of applications. The greater version, of 225 kW, provides an extraordinary pair of until 1.280 Nm to 1.400 rpm.

By his part, the Cat C13 Acert is a unit of power of 6 cylinders and 12.5 litres, able to cover powers of 287 kW to 388 kW. This solution presents attractor trucks advantages for the manufacturers of machinery (OEM), when offering a package preconfigurado and smart to begin to operate in works so diverse like perforación, manipulation of materials or pumping.

In the stand of Caterpillar also could see other motors like the C1.5, the C3.4B, the C4.4 Acert, the C9.3 Acert and the C18 Acert.


Cummins Has presented in Paris his new engine QSF2.8, for the rank of powers of 37 to 55 kW. This innovative version of 4 cylinders and 2.8 litres has been showed with the system of postratamiento Cummins Compact Catalyst, designed to satisfy the regulations of broadcasts Tier 4 Final / Stage IIIB that will have effect in 2013.

The QSF2.8 is the smallest engine that has entered Cummins in the sector of the machinery out of road, and incorporates electronic controls for the management of the System HPCR (High Pressesure Common Rail).


The QSF2.8 offers some dimensions and a comparable weight to motors of less than 2.8 litres but combines this compacidad with the durability that expects in an engine of these operative capacities.

“With the advantage of his special design and using the technology of first level of the motors Cummins bigger, the QSF2.8 provide new possibilities in the important rank of powers of 49 to 74 CV for compact machinery and equipment of manipulation of materials”, signalled in the stand Hugh Foden, executive director of Cummins Off-Highway.


In Intermat 2012, Deutz showed, for the first time, his complete range of motors and components Dvert that fulfil with the normative Tier 4. The smallest model that was in exhibition was the TCD 2.9 L4 that covers the rank of the 25 kW to the 55,4 kW and that is available in different versions, included a turbo. It treats of a very compact model of 4 cylinders on line, especially developed for narrow installations. It offers high specifications of power and pair, combined with a very soft operation and values of strength until 50% upper to comparable models in the market.


In front of this compact version, the contrast came with the greater model showed in the fair, the TCD 12.0 V6, that covers powers of 240 to 390 kW and that has been designed for high loads, optimising the operative costs and lengthening the periods of maintenance.


The environingingmental subjects occupy the first places of the list of key subjects of Doosan, that considers that the ‘Technologies of green power' are a platform of big growth for the future. In Intermat 2012, Doosan Infracore Construction Equipment presented several new products that fulfil the requirements of the most recent European legislation on broadcasts. In addition to fulfilling with the new normative, this new generation of machines Doosan offers a lot of characteristics that increase the productivity and reduce the consumption of fuel.


This worry by the environingingment self-evident in the incorporation in miscellaneous of his new equipment of the reliable engine diesel turbocomprimido Doosan DL06K of six cylinders with injection ‘common rail' that develops 101 kW (135 CV) of power to 2000 rpm. The engine DL06K fulfils with the rule on broadcasts of Phase IIIB thanks to the use of the technologies post-treatment EGR (recirculation of the gases of leakage) and DPF (filter of particles diesel).

FPT Industrial

The motors of FTP Industrial are presents in many of the machines more vanguardistas of the market, included of course the developed by marks that also form part of the structure of the Group Fiat as it Marry and New Holland. These last exposed in Intermat 2012 his lines of machines Tier 4 Interim, that testify his prolonged commitment with the development of powerful machines with a consumption of fuel and some broadcasts excepcionalmente basses.

FPT Industrial is pioneering in the technologies of motors of low broadcasts and, in particular from 2004, of the technology of selective catalytic reduction (SCR). This is the solution that has adopted New Holland and Marry in his new motors and that occupied a place stood out in the two stands.

FTP Industrial
FTP Industrial

With the technology SCR, the norm of broadcasts Tier 4 Interim fulfils without need of filter of particles and of recirculation of the gases of leakage. The combustion optimised, fed only with cool air, delivers more power with less fuel and without that the systems of refrigeration and lubricación see affected.

Hatz Diesel

Hatz Diesel Took advantage of his presence in Intermat to present two big innovations. Firstly his range improved of motors of 3 and 4 cylinders that goes to be instrumented with a Filter Diesel of Particles (DPF) from beginnings of 2013. To identify the new versions, the German manufacturer has changed his nomenclature to 3_L/M-43 and 4_L/M-43.

Hatz Diesel
Hatz Diesel.

Like second novelty, Hatz Diesel launches the concept ‘Hatz Universal Power System', which goes headed to a wide range of applications and for different areas. In addition to providing an electrical supply of until 25 CV, this system supplies pneumatics pressesure (until 15 bar), hydraulics pressesure (200 and 700 bar) and water in high pressesure (150 bar) in the own work..


JCB Has announced recently his plans to invest near of 31 million pounds in new projects related with his motors and that will create near of 350 new places of work in his British plants. One of them is the factory of Foston, Derbyshire, where the company creates his motors JCB Dieselmax.

The development of the new products (that they will be installed so much in machinery JCB as of third) involves the contracting by part of JCB Power Systems of almost 50 engineers, to which will add other 300 workers when it begin to manufacture.


Alan Blake, CEO of JCB signalled in this regard: “Since we begin the manufacture of these motors in 2004, JCB has marked the way of by where has to go the sector off-road, with a range of motors that show a considerable saving of fuel, that are clean and that show a big efficiency”.

John Deere

John Deere announces the continuity in his strategy of ‘modular blocks' to fulfil the normative final of broadcasts Tier 4 / Stage IV. The date of the launching will vary according to the model and the region in question.

To fulfil this reglamentación, John Deere has developed the system of integrated cheese cheese control of broadcasts: a solution of treatment of gases optimised with provision expanded and saving of fuel to satisfy the reglamentación IT4/Phase III B with the platform of motors endowed of the accredited recirculation of gases of leakage (EGR) refrigerada.

John Deere
John Deere.

The system of integrated cheese cheese control of broadcasts of John Deere will state basically of a catalyst of oxidation of diesel (DOC), a filter of particles diesel (DPF) and a system of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) specifically designed to satisfy the rigorous exigencias of the applications out of road.

Kohler (Lombardini)

With seen to the entrance in force of the next normative Tier 4 Final / Stage IIIB, Kohler presents the new range of motors Diesel KDI, Kohler Direct Injection. The innovation is the common denominator of all the project of this family of motors entirely new, that distinguishes by the employment of a technology to the avant-garde, that allows a clean combustion limiting the broadcasts, without using any system of post-treatment, and that at the same time guarantees extraordinary provision.


The values of power and pair in regard to the dimensions reduced and the absence of systems to reduce the broadcasts, like the DPF, translate in advantages for all the OEM that can substitute his current motors by motors of cilindrada inferior and at the same time, to the not having to occupy of the process of regeneration, allows them reduce consumptions and lengthen the intervals of maintenance.

The three models of direct injection, that distinguish by a cilindrada different (1.9L – 2.5L – 3.4L), offer two configurations: Mechanical Injection (Tier 3/Stage IIIA) and Injection Common Rail (Tier 4/Stage IIIB).

Kohler KDI2504TCR, chosen Engine of the Year

The Kohler KDI2504TCR has awarded the Prize ‘Diesel of the Year 2012', awarded by the magazine Diesel, for “having known save, of an entirely original way, the escollo of the Tier 4 Final/Stage IIIB”. In a market monopolised by the filter antiparticles, the group Kohler has presented a solution that rewards the low costs of maintenance and the high reliability. Here they debut the system of common pipe (common rail), until this moment relegado to the versions automotive, the system of recirculation of the gases of leakage and the direct injection.

The Kohler KDI2504TCR, with his 55 kilowatts of power and the 300 Newton metre of maximum pair is the ‘best in class' in the segment of the four industrial cylinders of 2,5 litres.

The Kohler KDI2504TCR sucede in the list of rewarded in these prestigious award to motors recognised like the JCB Ecomax (2011), the Deutz Tcd 2.9 L4 (2010), the Perkins 1206And-And70TTA (2009), the FPT F 32 (2008), the Cummins B3.3 (2007) and John Deere PowerTech Plus 6090 (2006).

Delivery to Kohler-Lombardini of the Prize to the Engine of the Year, in the frame of Intermat 2012
Delivery to Kohler-Lombardini of the Prize to the Engine of the Year, in the frame of Intermat 2012.


Three motors hoarded the leadership of Kubota in Intermat 2012: the versions Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB of four cylinders, designated V2403-M-T-And3B, V2607-SAY-T-And3B and V3800-CR-YOU4. The first, pertaining to the Series 03-M, offers a power of 44,0 kW to 2.700 rpm and incorporates a version improved of the system patented of Kubota And-TVCS that has allowed to reduce significantly the broadcasts.


The V2607-SAY-T-And3B carries the power until the 49,2 kW to 2.700 rpm and belongs to the innovative Series 07, that stands out by his new concept of design developed to face up to numerous industrial applications.

Finally, the V3800-CR-YOU4, available in powers of 74,5 kW and 85 kW to 2.600 rpm, offers the two characteristics that expects a customer of Kubota: the last technology and a high performance.


Liebherr Has presented in Intermat 2012 machines of construction instrumented with the new generation of his own motors, in accordance with the valid rule from 2012 on the level of broadcasts of gases of leakage III B in the European Union and EPA Tier 4 interim in United States. A concept of intelligent electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers combined with the last technology in injection and recirculation of gases of leakage guarantees the fulfillment of the current requirements and constitutes the base for the fulfillment of future levels of broadcasts.


The motors diesel of Liebherr develop and manufacture in the centre situated in Bulle, Switzerland. The range covers at present eleven classes of different power, from 130 kW until 750 kW. A wide line of power and of diet remains covered beginning by the motors of 4 and 6 cylinders on line until arriving to the motors of 12 cylinders in V, going through the motors of 8 cylinders in V.


In Intermat 2012, Tognum showed his last developments in motors MTU designed to satisfy the requests Tier 4 / Stage IV. The new Series 1000, 1100, 1300 and 1500 fulfil with the future exigencias of broadcasts using only the technology of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), without need of filters of particles. These units cover the rank of inferior powers to the 560 kW.


From the year 2014, the Series 1600 will see improved with the incorporation of motors that will allow to fulfil with the normative Tier 4 without employing systems SCR neither filters of particles, lengthening the range until the 730 kW.


Perkins Has launched in Intermat 2012 his new range of six cylinders Tier 4 End/ Stage IV. Designed to satisfy the needs of high performance of the manufacturers of machinery, at the same time that they respect the restrictions of broadcasts, the new motors incorporate the technology optimised of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR).

The greater model of the range is the 1206F-And70TTA, of 7 litres and able to offer a power of 225 kW. It gives the possibility to the manufacturers of machinery that previously had chosen a greater version, to obtain the same power in a smaller package. It incorporates two turbos (one small and another big) mounted in series.


“The range 1206F will continue boosting the success of our winning range Tier 4 Interim /Stage IIIB”, comments Daniel Calyton, director of Marketing of Perkins for the range Tier 4. “Today we are employing the third generation of the technology SCR that has been totally tested and validated in the market of machinery out of road”.

Volvo Penta

In January of 2011, Volvo Penta entered his range of motors Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B based in the technology of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). For the following phase of the rule, the company bets also by this tested technology but to face up to the greater restrictions, adds a light system EGR (Recirculation of the gas of Leakage) that besides helps to the SCR to operate to an optimum temperature.

Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta.

“Is probably the best system EGR of the world”, signalled David Hanngren, director of Product of Volvo Penta, for the one who the new motors Tier 4 Final will allow to the customers reduce the challenges of installation, optimise the consumption of fuel, not attending to the regeneration and diminish the operative costs. The new range of Volvo Penta consists in five basic versions: D5 (105 – 160 kW), D8 (160 – 235 kW), D11 (235 – 285 kW), D13 (285 – 405 kW) and D16 (405-565 kW).


Yanmar Europe Presents new motors diesel refrigerados by water that fulfil with the normative Tier 4 and Stage IIIB, based substantially in his Series TNV. There is available ten models in total, a mix of versions of three and four cylinders, with direct and indirect injection and in a rank of powers of 10 to 56 kW. The versions of indirect injection answer to the names of 3TNM74F, 3TNV74F and 3TNV80F, whereas the ones of direct injection have by nomenclatures 3TNV88F for less than 19kW, and 3TNV88C, 3TNV86CT, 4TNV88C, 4TNV86CT, 4TNV98C and 4TNV98CT for more than 19kW.
All they are interchangeable with the motors Yanmar existent to date, fulfil with the most demanding regulations of broadcasts and can be employed in big altitudes.

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