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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Sistemas de Perforación resalta las ventajas de las Tecnologías sin Zanja en Smopyc 2014
The company showed some of the last products of his represented Tract-Technik and Bagela

Systems of Perforación resalta the advantages of the Technologies without Resolves in Smopyc 2014

David Muñoz14/04/2014

One of the professionals that more have struggled from does years for breaking the barriers that have braked historically the evolution of the Technologies of Perforación without Resolves in Spain, is Juan José Peretó Ballester, founder and current manager of the company Systems of Perforación, SL. Had the opportunity to speak with him during the celebration of Smopyc 2014 to collect his opinion on the reasons that follow preventing the hatching of these solutions in spite of his economic advantages, environingingmental and of urbanismo.

Juan José Peretó Ballester founded the company Systems of Perforación in 1988 in Barcelona, with the purpose to supply and sell machinery and equipment of Perforación without Resolves for the installation of cables and pipes that allowed to save roads, roads of railway industry, terraplenes, rivers, motorways, etc. Four years afterwards, and by circumstances of the market, would move the social headquarters to Alicante, from where follows operating at present. “The balance of all these years of work can not that be another that very positive – signals Juan José Peretó-. When we begin this business adventure, the Technology without Resolve reduced to two only alternative: the mole, the machine that goes through under the road and that leaves after her a tube; and it pins it of pipe of steel with his corresponding derivación, the spiral. With the years have assisted to the world-wide revolution of the perforación directed, especially from 1995-1996 although, unfortunately, in these almost 20 years have been very few the equipment of perforación directed that have gone in in Spain in comparison with other European countries”.

Juan José Peretó Ballester, manager of Systems of Perforación, SL
Juan José Peretó Ballester, manager of Systems of Perforación, SL.

With the intention to improve the penetration of the technology without resolves in the Spanish market, Systems of Perforación has surrounded traditionally of leading marks in this field. For example, it is the distributor for Spain of the German manufacturer Tract-Technik, “definitely, the first European manufacturer of technology without resolve”, as it defines it Juan José Peretó, and of the that could see exposed several products in the Smopyc 2014. And also it carries the representation of the German manufacturer Bagela, with products stood out like the recicladora of asphalt that also could see in Fair of Saragossa.

Besides, Systems of Perforación is one of the companies that more has struggled for improving the implantation of these technologies through the national association Ibstt.

Barriers to the expansion

The technology without resolve has considered traditionally a more ecological alternative and less annoying for the citizens (avoids the cut of streets, between other advantages). With the last technological advances, has converted , besides, in a more economic alternative that many of the traditional formulas. Then, why it does not finish to start in our country, when yes it has done it in the majority of the developed countries? Juan José Peretó does not find him a logical explanation: “can say that, to day of today, our country, in matter of technology without resolve, is practically to zero, although there is any, by the own character of the Spaniards, that think that we are to the limit. From 32 years ago alive to sell technology without resolve and still no tarpaulin to guess the true reasons so that this do not evolve. It seems that there are some structures, some forms to do the things that come from up, that are immovable. They build true walls to avoid that these technologies can advance, in spite of the advantages that can offer. They give already cases in which use the technology without resolves would be more economic that the employment of the truck and of the capazo, but in spite of this follows betting by formulas more traditional”.

Stand Of Systems of Perforación in Smopyc 2014

Stand Of Systems of Perforación in Smopyc 2014.

The providers of Technology without Resolve find in a lot of cases with walls infranqueables, with people to which results very complicated to explain them the advantages that could contribute them these solutions. “In Spain, to day of today, is practically impossible that somebody in the Administration feels to your side with a pen and a paper to compare with objective numbers the costs of the Technology without Resolves with regard to other alternatives”, ensures the manager of Systems of Perforación.

Besides, in the private field, ensures that also there are a lot of interests created between the big contractors that have to realizar in a work cientos of domiciliary connections, to the hour to decant by solutions that are not precisely the most economic. “There is those who say you that how go to invest in a machine that goes to reduce his turnover by each work realizar. Therefore, the main interested in knowing the saving that go to obtain with the Technology without Resolves is not the contractor, is really the one who have the property of this installation”, adds Juan José Peretó.

Obviously, taking into account the minimum development that have had to date the Technologies without Resolves in Spain, the potential of growth of these is enormous, so much in matter of renewal of channelling, as in implantation of new networks of communications (optical fibre, for example). “When I began in this market, the advantages that promoted were environingingmental, the not bothering to the citizens… But all this has remained obsolete, because now that only it speaks of money, money and money, the Technologies without Resolves also are really more economic”.

No longer has why have barriers for the implantation of these technologies, neither so at least technical, since as it ensures the responsible maximum of Systems of Perforación, “to day of today, the available technology already allows us work in 95% of the terrains, install any type of pipe (polyethylene, ductile smelting, etc.) and reach perforaciones of until 1.500 m, although it is true that 90% of the works is of 100-150 m and that, before doing works of big envergadura, would be preferable to centre us in the simplest works, where still there is a lot for doing”.

In this sense, the International Congress ‘No-Dig' that will take place in Madrid of the 13 to 15 October 2014, goes to suppose a big opportunity for, once and for all, achieve implant in Spain the Technologies without Resolves. “It is a very hopeful initiative, think that can be a very important impulse for the Technology without Resolves in Spain, so that no only think in the retroexcavadora or in the capazo to the hour to do a canalisation in the streets of our country, but also in these alternatives so advanced”, concludes Juan José Peretó.

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