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Alsina, specialist in works of treatment of waters and waste

Systems of formwork in the hydraulics works more notable

Editorial Interempresas28/03/2014

The Group Alsina has turned into a company referent in the national market for the effective resolution of hydraulics works, with the realisation of more than 400 projects in the last years. This wide experience is the one who has allowed him export his knowledges and systems of formwork for hydraulics works to international level.

The development of new systems of formwork by part of the department of investigation and development allows to the Group Alsina offer able solutions to resolve complex structures of concrete and cimbrados in this type of hydraulics projects, as they are: supplies, manifolds, preys, reservoirs, marshes, rivers, irrigations, sewerage, underwater emissaries, debuggers or plants of treatment of waters.

Plants of waste treatment water in Escalerilla, Arequipa (Peru)

Plants of waste treatment water in Escalerilla, Arequipa (Peru).

In 2012 Alsina began two hydraulics projects in Sudamérica. In the first place, the work of the desalinizadora of Copiapó, in Chile. This desalinizadora situated in the region of Atacama built with an initial capacity of 200 litres/second (17 million litres to the day), aumentable until 600 litres/second (52 million litres to the day). For his construction Alsina supplied a big quantity of system Alisply for the execution of walls of the structure.

On the other hand, Alsina began in the same year his participation in the construction of the Plant of Residual Waters The Chira, situated in the region of Arequipa, awarded to his delegation of Peru like provider of formworks for all the work.

With an investment of more than 150 million euros, this work that has foreseen his ending in January of 2015 will contribute to treat 100% of the waste water of the metropolitan region conformed by the cities of Lima and Callao, where live around 10 million people. The debugger will treat waters served to 2,6 million inhabitants of 18 districts of the capital, with a discharge average of 6 m3 by second and a maximum of 11 m3 by second. Besides, the work includes the installation of an Underwater Emissary of 3,5 km of length, with pipes of 2,4 metres of diameter.

Plant of waste treatment water in Beautiful, Medellín (Colombia)
Plant of waste treatment water in Beautiful, Medellín (Colombia).

On the other hand, Alsina initiated in 2013 his collaboration in the construction of the Plant of Treatment of Residual Waters situated in the municipality of Beautiful, in a batch of 45 hectares to 10 kilometres of Medellín. The plant, situated in the left margin of the river Medellín is the biggest of Colombia in his type and one of the most modern of Latin America.

By means of this project, the waste water of the municipalities of Medellín and Beautiful transport to receive a treatment of secondary type before being downloaded to the river Medellín. In this way it reduces the organic load that receives the river and attains the aim of quality of the water, established by the environingingmental authority - Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburrá - to elevate the content of oxygen dissolved until a minimum level of 5 mg/l, in average to the height of rivers descontaminados of big cities of the world.

During his construction, Alsina has supplied equipment of Alisply Manual, Alisply-C, Alispilar, Trepante MF, Table MF, Cimbra AR-80, Ladders of Access and Mecanoflex for this project, that will be the direct manager of the decrease of the illnesses of origin hídrico and will allow, besides, the recovery of spaces in the banks, that will be able to be devoted to the recreation without direct contact and to developments urbanísticos and paisajísticos.

Plant of waste treatment water in Kyrdjali (Bulgaria)
Plant of waste treatment water in Kyrdjali (Bulgaria).

To national level, the past year 2013 Alsina initiated his participation in the enlargement and modernisation of the Station Debugger of Residual Waters (EDAR) of Lagares (Vigo), the biggest of Spain by biofiltración and one of the greater of Europe. With an initial capacity of treatment of 147.000 cubic metres to the day, the new plant will benefit to a population of 800.000 inhabitants, and will incorporate technologies advanced in the waste treatment water to face up to the environingingmental needs, reduce to the maximum the space and endow to the installations of a greater flexibility in front of the variations of discharge, as it is the case of Vigo.

Alsina has supplied equipment of Alisply straight, Alisply circulate, Cimbra Cl- 40, System Trepante C-160 and Alumecano for the new debugger, that will situate in his elder splits in the busy terrains by the current, but will reduce the busy surface, leaving 25.277 square metres free that will devote to the catering of the marisma and his natural margins of protection. Besides, the installation will take advantage of the biogás for the generation of electrical power, with which will cover the 36 % of his total consumption. It is foreseen that the new EDAR set up in January of 2016.

Enlargement and modernisation of the Station Debugger of Residual Waters (EDAR) of Lagares (Vigo)
Enlargement and modernisation of the Station Debugger of Residual Waters (EDAR) of Lagares (Vigo).

In addition to the works mentioned previously, Alsina is executing at present Plants it Debugger PSOV in the city of Kyrdjali (Bulgaria), for which already have supplied equipment of Alisply circulate, one of the systems of formwork Alsina more useful for this type of constructions.

Alisply Circulate is a system of formwork of circular walls to manipulate with crane, formed by a frame of steel cincado and a surface of phenolic plywood. It treats of a system of fast and easy setting: his modules come premontados of factory and so alone is necessary to give them the appropriate radius in the work. Of the same way, the panels incorporate the necessary elements, and do not require any special tool for curvar the phenolic. On the other hand, the union and alignment realizar by means of staples GR2 and extensible staple, both of fast and manual operation.

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Encofrados J. Alsina, S.A.

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