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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El frío extremo y el hielo ya no son impedimentos para ejecutar una obra
Heaters of surfaces HSH: now available in two new versions

The cold extreme and the ice no longer are obstacles to execute a work

Editorial Interempresas03/02/2014

Wacker Neuson offers from 2006 the exclusive heaters of surface hidrónicos, able of descongelar the floor or treat the concrete with a thermal sensors efficiency extremely high. To be able to adapt even more to the specific requirements of the customer, now there is available the heater of surfaces HSH 650, with an inferior weight to the model HSH 700, and also another additional version of the model HSH 350, to which has added him a generator, the same that in the two big models.

The weight of the HSH 650 does not arrive to the three tonnes with the full deposit, by what is some 400 lighter kilograms that the HSH 700. For the companies of construction, the difference of weight is important especially for the transport: To carry the HSH 650 to the work, only has to have of a vehicle SUV or a todoterreno. For the users, involves to win in flexibility and reduce the costs.

Heater of surfaces HSH 350 of Wacker Neuson
Heater of surfaces HSH 350 of Wacker Neuson.

The HSH 650 is an attractor trucks and economic alternative for the users that usually do not use the maximum capacity of the HSH 700 and that in this way, can reduce the costs of transport. To reduce the weight, Wacker Neuson has reduced in 50 metres the length of the hoses until remaining in 650 metres and has diminished the capacity of the deposit. Of this form, the surface of maximum thawing reduces to 390 square metres (HSH 700: 410 square metres) and provides an autonomy of 67 hours without having to repostar (HSH 700: 130 hours). Besides, the HSH 650 supplies without armellas of izaje, but can be displaced without problems thanks to the setting of series of the heater of surfaces on a trailer.

The small version of the heater of surfaces, the HSH 350 (maximum capacity of thawing: 200 square metres) offered up to now without generator. The main area of application of the heaters of this size is, by general norm, in projects of small surface in urban zones or his surroundings, where there is available a source of feeding.

With the increase of the popularity in Europe of the concept of the exchanger of heat hidrónico to save power, every time is more usual the use of the HSH 350 in rural zones without infrastructures. By this reason, Wacker Neuson also offers now a new version of the model with an integrated generator. In this way, the HSH 350 has an autonomy of 63 hours without having to repostar. Of alternative form, all the models of heaters of surfaces instrumented with generator can work connected to the electrical current.

With this new model, Wacker Neuson answers to the requirements of the market and can adapt even more to the needs of the customer.

The concept of heating hidrónica

The heaters of surfaces hidrónicos work according to the principle of the exchangers of liquid heat/air. For the range HSH, Wacker Neuson has elaborated this principle in such a way that the system can reach a thermal sensors efficiency of until the 94 percent in combination with the insulating blanket of Wacker Neuson. These energetically efficient equipment use to be able to continue with the works even with a cold extreme and ice. In this way, they can avoid the costly arrests of the works that are used to to produce with the brusque arrival of the winter. The projects can finish to time without engaging the quality, independently of the climatic conditions.

The typical applications include

- the descongelamiento of freezing floors before excavating;

- the warming of the subsoil or of the armour before hormigonar;

- the warming of the recently poured concrete to be able to carry out the process of fraguado even with temperatures under zero or so that the concrete toughen more quickly to ideal temperatures;

- the warming of, for example, coatings of two components, like the used in works of motorways to increase the resistance to the wear.

Heater of surfaces HSH 650 of Wacker Neuson
Heater of surfaces HSH 650 of Wacker Neuson.

Apart from the heater of surfaces, Wacker Neuson also offers a heater hidrónico for big enclosures, the HP 252 (net thermal sensors performance: 209 kW). The HP 252, in comparison with the direct heaters or the ones of chimney, allows to save until 50% of fuel. It provides a dry heat and entirely clean and without broadcasts. In this way, the HP 252, unlike the direct heaters, also can use in enclosed spaces without supposing a danger for the health of the workers. The HP 252 offers the maximum comfort and flexibility thanks to the possibility to connect until 16 exchangers of heat to the unit of central heating. These terminal can be displaced or transported by a person according to his size and can install of flexible form in a place of the building where was necessary to produce heat.

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