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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mercado de los grupos electrógenos a gas en Asia Pacífico crecerá casi un 50% entre 2013 y 2016

Himoinsa Distributes his power generators in more than 20 countries of this region

The market of the power generators to gas in Asia Pacífico will grow almost 50% between 2013 and 2016

Editorial Interempresas17/12/2013

The market of the generation of power to gas in Asia Pacífico is a strategic market for Himoinsa since it is growing to a very fast rhythm. No only by the more than 2.500 million people that inhabit his 24 countries, but by his fast industrial development and by the changes in matter of broadcasts

Himoinsa Is a company specialist in generation of power with an experience of more than 30 years. Today, it is established like a big multinational, with presence in more than 130 countries and able to satisfy the demand of the market of electrical power.

The forecast is that the market of generation of power to gas in this zone grow 48% from 2013 until 2016. Although it seems that these numbers are really good (of course that they are it), have to take into account that for 2016 the market of the power generators to gas equivaldrá to 18% of the market of the generation of power diesel.

China, South Korea, Blangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia are some of the countries with elder sues of generators to gas, mainly for plants of power distributed.

Manuel Aguilera, responsible engineer of the Range of gas and Cogeneration affirms that “The rank of power of the power generators to gas Himoinsa is of 8 KW to 3,4 MW”.

The natural gas has turned into a source of cheap power, efficient and clean that grows of form imparable to world-wide level. With a complete range of generation with gas from the 8 kW to the 3'4 MW, Himoinsa has of a solution for each type of application, already was for supply of continuous power or of emergency and with fuels so miscellaneous like the natural gas, GLP, biogás, gas of pozo, syngas, etc. All the groups to gas Himoinsa are configured ‘plug & play', this is, integrate all the necessary elements of regulation and of hygiene of series, so that it is the group the one who adapts to the installation of the customer and no on the contrary.

Group electrógeno

Group electrógeno.

To. Increase of pressesure in the electrical networks

With a strong economic growth, the zone of Asia Pacífico is suing increasingly power because of the industrialisation and to the increase in the demand of per capita power. This is increasing the pressesure on the existent electrical networks, causing electrical cuttings and a low quality electrical supply. The power distributed turns into the best solution and in one of the main applications of the groups to gas Himoinsa. Myanmar Is probably the most representative case, with an important fault of power and a strong demand of generators to gas.


B. Broadcasts

The pollution is a big problem all over the world, even worse in this zone, where, for example, the coal is winning quota of the mix of generation because of his availability and low price. The governments are promoting the reduction of C02 and the broadcast of particles, favouring the installation of generators electrógenos to gas in front of the ones of diesel, because of his lower broadcasts and to the almost absence of particles in the gases of leakage.



C. Availability and easy access to the natural gas

The discovery of deposits of natural gas by all the world is an usual subject between the news on power, even in Asia Pacífico. Thanks to this, Myanmar, Malaysia and Indonesia are exporting net of natural gas in the zone of Asia Pacífico. The production of natural gas is increasing, but the internal demand increases even faster, so it reduces the exports, which can elevate the prices.


D. Development of continuous power and distributed

Because of the cuttings of power, the fault of access to the network, the backrest of energetic supply, efficiency, etc., the power distributed to gas is a need. The interval of gas Himoinsa is the fastest solution, clean and efficient for the energetic needs in the zone, in which, without the services of postventa and support of distributors of Himoinsa, would have been impossible to enter our range of generation with gas.


And. Cogeneration

One of the most popular applications of the generators to gas Himoinsa is the cogeneration, which takes out the maximum benefit of the fuel and saves costs of exploitation in a lot of industrial installations.

No all are good news, unfortunately. Although the market trend is very good, still is a small market, since the networks of natural gas keep on being underdeveloped and the GNL is not always an option. Besides, the price of the power is strongly subsidised in these countries, what distorts the market. This affects to the generators of gas, since if abaratan artificially the prices of the electricity, the return of investment of the generator to gas is less immediate.

Related Companies or Entities

Himoinsa, S.L.

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