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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Juan Carlos Jacinto, gerente de Trins Trust Inspect Solutions (Inspectécnicas Europa)
“Each day have more customers that trust our inspections and in our mechanical guarantees Trins”

Interview to Juan Carlos Jacinto, manager of Trins Trust Inspect Solutions (Inspectécnicas Europe)

David Muñoz30/05/2014

In a market increasingly globalizado and where, because of the economic crisis, the dealers of secondhand machinery has won weight, the possibility to have a partner of confidence that allow you know the true state of the equipment used without having to displace you to see them in situ, supposes big advantages. Trins Trust Inspect Solutions (Inspectécnicas Europe) knew to see soon the opportunities that offered this service and after eight years of activity has turned into all a reference to the hour to realizar inspections in machinery of Public Work and other types of vehicles. We interview to his manager Juan Carlos Jacinto to know the keys of the success of this company.

How are cream Trins Trust Inspect Solutions?

Trins Is cream like corporate web of Inspectécnicas Europe SL, which has by aim offer hygiene, reliability and confidence in the technical service of inspections of machinery, of such form that the customer know the real state of the same in the moment to realizar the purchase and/or sale.

Juan Carlos Jacinto, manager of Trins Trust Inspect Solutions (Inspectécnicas Europe)
Juan Carlos Jacinto, manager of Trins Trust Inspect Solutions (Inspectécnicas Europe).

Which evolution have followed from his starts?

After 8 years of activity already have inspected more than 5.000 machines. We begin only in Madrid and 8 years afterwards, have inspectors in all the European countries. Besides, from the year 2013, realizar inspections in Sudamérica, North America and Africa.

Has been a very positive evolution, have grown to labour level until having to day of today more than 100 customers that month by month sue us inspections to world-wide level.

Which differential elements offers his technical service of inspections of machinery?

In the first place is necessary to say that it is a service that realizar with total discretion, never reveal information to third. We contribute confidence, hygiene and quality, all this accompanied of a mechanical guarantee that ensure the reliability of our inspection.

They Realizar integral inspections of the equipment or are specialised in a determinate field?

Have a general experience in mechanics, hydraulics, structural damages, etc. Apart from inspecting machinery, also peritamos vehicles, motorcycles, buses, trucks… All our inspectors are specialists in machinery, vehicles for the automotive sector, industrial trucks, etc.

To the hour to realizar an inspection, follow a procedure/form predefinido standard or guide by particular requirements of the customers?

Have a standard form that covers all type of machines and vehicles, but yes is truth that have customers that give us guidelines of inspection, as for example, know the numbers of series of the transmissions, the number of series of the engine, or special measures in base to the type of machinery for which go to realizar a determinate work. All this accompanied of a set of photographies of quality that accompanies with the technical report.

Apart from this, and in as which marks, realizar a special report with a computer, which gives us the historical complete of the machine. Like this we can know all the repairs, real hours of the machine or problems that have been able to have, that to simple sight do not see .

The reports realizar them in the language that the customer sue us, although generally they are used to to be in English.

Hole in an engine detected in the inspection. The customer saved 25.000 euros in his repair
Hole in an engine detected in the inspection. The customer saved 25.000 euros in his repair.

Which type of companies are used to them request his services of inspection? I understand that many of them will be possible buyers that can not displace to review they same the equipment, no?

Offer services to the most important companies to world-wide level that realizar auctions so much face-to-face like on-line road. We Realizar inspections of machinery of renting for banks and multinationals that realizar a remarketing back to the return to put up for sale it in his webs. And apart from this, private customers that need to buy a machine from another part of the world and that do not have knowledge of machinery. There are other cases in which the costs only to travel to see the machines are so excessive that with our prices and confidence does not be worth it them realizar said travel.

They offer some type of guarantee with his inspections?

All our inspections are guaranteeed with our guarantee Trins, guarantee that includes that an inspector of our company displaces until the place where was located the machine and inspects it in real time, so that the customer ensure that what really sees in our set of photographies is what, in reality, goes to buy.

Aside offer a mechanical guarantee, that covers transmission, engine, converter and hydraulics to all those customers that want to have greater reliability in the moment of buys it/sale. All have it detailed in our web

With falls in the sales of new machinery that in some cases surpass 95%, the market of used and the auctions have been practically the only that have kept something of dynamism in these last years. I imagine that this has favoured the demand of this type of inspections, is not like this?

Sure enough, the sale of secondhand machinery has comported a growth of our inspections, so much in private customers as in auctions.

By his experience, which are used to to be the main flaws/damage detected in the machines that inspect?

The main failures are used to to be problems of compressesion in motors, damages in butts and especially, unseen damages that a lot of people that sell machines do not expect that you detect, like weldings in freamers, chassis rajados or machinery that has been stolen and in which the numbers of series do not coincide.


They Realizar inspections for all type of machinery and marks? They are specialised in any?

Are specialists in all type of machines of public work, new and of occasion, but yes is true that the mark that more inspect is Caterpillar.

Where they realizar these inspections, in the installations of the customer, in his own, in the work…?

Realizar the inspection in the place where was situated the machine, already was in the private enclosure of the seller, dealers, campas of machinery, etc.

How much can last, roughly, an inspection?

The inspections of machinery are used to to last between 1 and 2 hours, according to the type of machinery and of the work that our customers sue us. For example, if we have to measure the shooting of the chains of an excavator, always invest more time of the normal.

In which measure can revalorizar a machine after being inspected?

The machine can revalorizar from the point of view that can show that it is in better state of the that in a principle thought. Or the other way around, we can show that the machine finds in a worse state of the that thought. In fact, our customers, if we find some type of problem, use the technical report to show him to the seller that has to invest some money in repairing any problem, attaining always take out better available final prices.

Problem in the transmission detected in the inspection. The customer saved 15.000 euros in his repair
Problem in the transmission detected in the inspection. The customer saved 15.000 euros in his repair.

To go finishing, how sees the future of Trins Trust Inspect Solutions?

As it signalled at the beginning of the interview, in these ochos years have gone growing little by little, each day have more customers that trust our inspections and in our mechanical guarantees Trins, that are only and exclusive in the market. Therefore, we see the future with optimism.

And the future of the sector of machinery of OP in general?

Think that has arrived to a point in which a lot of machinery is setting off for zones that are growing and resurgiendo, like Africa, Sudamérica, east Europe and north Europe, although yes it is true that in Spain remains still a lot of park. To day of today, any work realizar with machines, by what is to expect that always there are equipment that inspect, being able to like this satisfy the needs of our customer.

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Inspectecnicas Europa

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