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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Ricardo Moliner, gerente de Cozamaq
“We are in the suitable place and in the just moment”

Interview to Ricardo Moliner, manager of Cozamaq

David Muñoz09/05/2014

In the times that run for the market of the machinery of construction and public work, find a new business project in Spain has turned into little less than “an impossible mission”. But in Smopyc 2014 attain it. There, in Saragossa, exposed for the first time, Cozamaq, company that has initiated recently a new stage of the hand of a professional that treasures a long and brilliant route in this sector, Ricardo Moliner. With him we have had the pleasure to speak to know a bit better in what consists his new project.

Smopyc 2014 has supposed the starting signal for the new stage of Cozamaq. It could resumirnos in what consists this business project that Unit leads?

This company created in the year 2009 with a clear aim, that was to manage all the machinery used that it went in in M.Z. Imer Derivative of his activity. As it saw clear the market trend, decide to put us of full in the dealers of machinery used in general. Besides, we wanted to give something more and offered the possibility of reacondicionar the equipment perfectly, achieving machines semi-new.

In the year 2013, decided to continue only this adventure and bought the society to my two partners. This business project goes through to follow with the dealers and reacondicionamiento of machinery used, by the sale of spare parts of all the machines that manufactured M.Z. Imer And, from this fair, also by the distribution of new machinery, like the miniexcavators Ihimer, the machines of compactación light NTC and the dumpers manufactured in Ireland NC.

Ricardo Moliner, manager of Cozamaq, in the stand of Smopyc 2014
Ricardo Moliner, manager of Cozamaq, in the stand of Smopyc 2014.

Beginning by Ihimer… How would value the level of implantation that has already this mark in Spain?

Ihimer Is in Spain from does more than 25 years, although really it went in 2002 when we begin to enter the mark between rentals and distributors of machinery.

Our aim now is to work with the excavator, since we can offer him a very complete range of mini and midiexcavadoras, as well as of dumpers of caterpillars and mini loaders.

Precisely, in the data contributed by Andicop corresponding to the 2013, appreciates already a growth in the sales of miniexcavators of 19%. Think that it will keep or it will increase this tendency in the next months?

I think that will increase. It notices that no longer there are so many secondhand machines and seems that the activity is recovering . Besides, the parks of machinery of the rentals are doing increasingly old and reacondicionar these machines is not cheap. Therefore, the most convenient is to renew the park and for this we can help them collecting and valuing well his old team.

What value differential would stand out of the minis Ihimer?

Of Ihimer, would not stand out only the miniexcavators, that of course are machines of first line, especially with the new range V4 that have presented in the fair and that is composed by models from 0,9 until 8 tonnes (all of twist reduced), but also the so complete range that manufactures of mini loaders of wheels (Series ACE), of minidumpers of caterpillars Carry and of platforms elevador LEM.

Visit of the president of the Government of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, to the stand of Cozamaq
Visit of the president of the Government of Aragon, Luisa Fernanda Rudi, to the stand of Cozamaq.

There is some model in which have put big hopes in Spain?

In miniexcavators, the models 17 VXE and 80 VX4 have been the most sold from the beginning and am safe that will keep on being the most valued by the rentals. In when to other products, those that go to give a lot that speak is the new range of mini loaders of wheels: the model ACE 12 is a very compact machine and ideal for the reform in small spaces; and the model ACE 30, with an engine of 70 HP, is a very agile machine and the most powerful for special works, with high discharge of series, an operative weight of 3.700 kg and an operative load of 1.100 kg.

Regarding NTC, this Czech mark already had presence in Spain with another importing… Why have decanted by them to cover the sector of the compactación light and the cut?

NTC Is a mark that in the north of Spain sold enough until the year 2007 and that has a good poster, but where I more have seen it is in the north of Europe, EE UU and Suramérica.

Has a very wide range, that covers all what is small compactación and a range of cortadoras of boards very complete, with machines thought for rentals.

Miniexcavadora 50VX of Ihimer
Miniexcavadora 50VX of Ihimer.

What characteristic would stand out of the manufacturer NTC?

Are products very strong, thought for hard works, and with a modern line. NTC Is, definitely, a manufacturer with a lot of experience and consolidated reputation.

Ihimer And NTC are two marks that keep a narrow relation to international level with the rentals. How it thinks to extend it also to the Spanish market?

Ours main customer today is the alquilador, since the majority of the equipment that sell, so much new as used reacondicionados, finish in hands of the rentals. We enjoy of his full confidence, by what are safe that they will give us the opportunity to follow working with them. They will be able to check the quality and performance of our machines and, when they need it, will be able to enjoy of some very adjusted prices in the spare parts required for the maintenance of his equipment.

Equipment of compactación light NTC
Equipment of compactación light NTC.

To the start of the interview commented that they also go to commercialise the dumpers NC…

Yes, have arrived to an agreement with the Irish company of manufacture of dumpers NC Engineering, but as it has been so recent has not given us time to bring any team to Smopyc. But can ensure him that it is a product already very known between the rentals of Spain and that NC Engineering is one of the main manufacturers of dumpers of United Kingdom.

His range is very complete, from 1 tonne until 10 tonnes, with hydrostatic transmissions with motors films in the range of 1 and 1,5 t, hydrostatic transmission of two speeds in the range of 3 and 4 t and transmission Power Shuttle from 6 until 10 t.

It explains already Cozamaq with a network of distributors and technical service for these products?

Of course, have distributors in a lot of points and are working to complete the network. Besides we want to reinforce it with delegates of zone to arrive to the professional of the hand of our distributor and of this form, can see his real needs and advise him the most adapted product to his needs.

Minicargadora ACE 30 of Ihimer
Minicargadora ACE 30 of Ihimer.

Finally and like summary, how sees the future of Cozamaq and of the Spanish market of machinery in general?

The future of my company see it with quite a lot of optimism, since the lines of business in which it is based are the correct. In the first place, the sale of machinery used reacondicionada is what has moved in these years of crisis and what will follow moving in the short term. Regarding the sale of new machinery of movement of earth, as I have said previously, have of some distributions of first line and besides notices that it begins to have demand of new equipment. And in third place, are the only that we can supply all the spare of the machines that manufactured and commercialised M.Z. Imer. Therefore, as it can see, we are in the suitable place and in the just moment.

Related Companies or Entities

Cozamaq Rental, S.L.

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