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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Adolfo Tristany, socio fundador de Drago Electrónica
“The external market has turned into the table of salvation of many of the companies”

Interview to Adolfo Tristany, partner founder of Drago Electronic

David Muñoz29/04/2013
Drago Electronic treasures an experience of more than 30 years in the design and manufacture of equipment for the detection and separation of metals, having attained along this time a solid presence in sectors like the industry of the arid or the alimentary industry, among others. We interview to his partner founder Adolfo Tristany, to know the keys of the growth experienced by this company.

Which balance do of these more than 30 years of experience in the design and manufacture of equipment for the detection and separation of metals?

The balance of the activity of our company along these last more than 30 years shows us that while the economic circumstances are favourable the companies can grow and expand his activities of a continuous and firm form in diverse markets, but survive when an economic crisis is of such envergadura and length is difficult and it is necessary to resort to the creativity and of all the resources to your scope. Thanks to our work of externalización have a market of export that does that we can go on with our projects.

Adolfo Tristany, partner founder of Drago Electronic
Adolfo Tristany, partner founder of Drago Electronic.

It could resumirnos which has been the historical evolution of the company? When it founded ? Which moments are marked with letters of gold in his path?

The company founded in 1980 and grew modestly during the two first years, growth that accelerated notably the three following years. In 1985 we inaugurate our section of magnetic separation that grew vertiginosamente during the following years.

Were important moments when we sold our detector number 1.000 and when we reach the figure of 500 magnets working in the Spanish market. Now we are in more than 5.000 detectors sold in more than 20 countries. It was very thrilling when an important European distributor confirmed us that “All the world in Europe knows to Drago Electronic”.

Like specialist in the matter, how would value the evolution that has followed the gestión of waste in our country?

At the beginning the industries loaned very little interest to the gestión of the waste, but to measure that the economic circumstances have gone deteriorating, this interest has grown, as much as alternative to the conventional market, as by reference to the savings of costs in materials and hand-held of work, indispensable with regard to the descent of the demand of new products.


In which appearances can improve still? Normative? Cultural? Technical?

In all they. Undoubtedly the technical appearance is one of them, and today, in spite of the budgetary limitations that have to us autoimponer, is absolutely vital. The normative appearance undoubtedly can improve, but the current moment does not seem the most suitable, since any endurecimiento of the norms will be interpreted like one overloads abusive on the suffered taxpayer. The cultural appearance is the most promising of all they. Necessarily it has to improve. However, said improvement will not be able to obtain in the short term, neither much less, if they do not attain advances in the quality of the education and of the culture in general.

Which would define Unit like the corporate values that have guided the growth of the company so much to level of the service as of the products?

The companies that have situated us from the first times in the market of the recycling, have had clear that the technological growth was indispensable in all the senses: for abaratar the costs of production, to allow of effective way the number of classified products, to accelerate the rhythm of treatment of the waste, etc.

On the other hand, the improvement in the classifications has influenced in the value of the products obtained, improving the economic performance of the companies clasificadoras.

“The companies that have situated us from the first times in the market of the recycling, have had clear that the technological growth was indispensable in all the senses”

Which importance has purchased the export in the activity of Drago Electronic?

Does already years that undertook the senda of the export. It was one put logical, still in those times in that it sold all what could manufacture. When going in the European economy in the crisis that wraps us, the external market has turned into the table of salvation of many of the companies that have seen to ruin to good part of his national customers and check that the rest of them suffer serious quebrantos by the fault of work and the present economic difficulties.

Is very evident that without the support of the foreign markets, a good part of the industries of our country that still survive, would be already ruined. Therefore it does not do lacking to say that the importance of the export is basic so much for the survival of the own companies as to help to balance the commercial scales of Spain, so needed of reinforcements in these times.


His range structures in three big groups of product: detectors of metals, separadores magnetic and scales of weighing continuous. It could signal us which type of equipment can find in each one of these blocks?

Between the detectors of metals exists the classification by degrees of sensitivity: Drop, Average, Alta and Very high. Each one of these degrees of sensitivity orients to a specific field of work. For example: to protect to the trituradores of stone, is sufficient a low sensitivity, whereas in the industries of feeding are necessary high sensitivities or very high, since it treats to locate metallic particles of inferior measures to the half millimetre.

The separadores magnetic can classify regarding the origin of his magnetism in: permanent magnets and electroimanes. Another classification would be regarding his form to work: Magnets or electroimanes on strip. Another would be regarding his form of elimination of the metals attracted: Overband, magnetic drum in head of strip, etc. On the other hand, exist the devices in which the magnets or electroimanes adopt special forms derivatives of the type of work that have to realise, like the magnetic grilles, the magnetic filters for liquids and pastas semilíquidas, etc.Signal that we have of the rule for our permanent magnets ATEX 22 and ATEX 21, apt to work in zones of risk of explosion.

The scales for weighing continuous are the more homogéneas regarding the functions that realise: those that monitor the work of the strip, offering partial totals and instantaneous data and those that employ for dosage, or was for load of trucks and committed similar. In this case, they offer also partial totals and general totals and instantaneous data as in the previous case.

Which technological tendencies appreciate in the sector of the detection and separation of metals?

Treats of two classes of machines totally differentiated. In the detection of metals investigates to be able to automate the separation of a part of the product, the possible minor, that contain the particle contaminante. This requires diverse solutions in function of the product analysed, his nature, and his fitness, density, etc.

In the separation of metals, the investigation orients to perfect the applicable useful power in each case, especially in the case of the big electroimanes, that have to gather conditions very elaborated to minimise his consumption and other characteristics. Case aside is the separation of metals no ferric, that requires the employment of machines of special and big construction robustness, given his continuous submission to the rigorous conditions of work in contact with rubbishes.

These machines are object of special studies, for the solution of cases of pollution also special.


What last innovations has launched to the market Drago Electronic?

Really in the last times have not launched to the market any important novelty, since the greater part of the efforts of the company have oriented to the opening and consolidation of new market in diverse countries of Africa and Suramérica. However, have in wallet some novelties that, if the circumstances advise it, will put in the market and to disposal of our customers.

Inside wide variety of sectors to which go directed his products, there is any that stand out more than another?

This question only can answer contemplating each continent separately: in Sudamérica the recycling is an activity incipiente in the most advanced countries whereas, in others, the recycling of waste is practically stranger in the field of the street and represents a minority.

And in a lot of countries of Africa, especially in Black Africa, is a simply unknown activity. In the north countries of Africa sucede what in Sudamérica, knows a bit and results an activity incipiente or is very little known.

“In the short term, our purpose is the one to consolidate the markets of Sudamérica that are giving good results at present”

They have done lately some delivery of equipment that would like him resaltar?

One of the interesting deliveries that have realised lately has been the one of three overbands with all his electrical team (Overband= electromagnet surrounded of a strip extractora for the evacuation of the ironinging attracted) to an installation of RSU of a country of Suramérica. Also we have built and set up the elder overband built in Spain with destination to a station of download of coal. All they machines of high performance and excellent provision.


In what next projects goes to centre Drago Electronic to short, half and long term?

In the short term, our purpose is the one to consolidate the markets of Sudamérica that are giving good results at present. To continuation or perhaps simultaneously, the put in the market of the new equipment that up to now have been working in diet of experimentation and that will announce conveniently. It treats of equipment focused to increase the productivity in the installations of recycling of waste and to improve the differentiation of the materials to classify.

On a long-term basis, bet for continuing the investigation and tuned of equipment more integrated that realise diverse functions, completing the automation to which the world-wide market directs quickly.

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A.Tristany Comas, S.L. - Drago Electrónica

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