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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Pablo Budia, presidente de Aeded
“The demolición seems in occasions the patito ugly of the sector of the construction”

Interview to Pablo Budia, president of Aeded

David Muñoz22/10/2012
The professionals and the companies of the guild of the demolición, had the opportunity to participate, the past day 28 September, in the new edition of the Forum of Demolición, organised by the Employers' association of Demolición (Aeded) in the city of Barcelona. With the title “The demolición is not a game of boys”, the Forum had like main objective advance to a greater specialisation of the guild. We interview to the president of the Association.
Pablo Budia, president of Aeded
Pablo Budia, president of Aeded.

Which balance does of the Forum of Demolición 2012?

The balance can not be another that very positive. The expectations of participation, so much of associated as of providers and display units, have surpassed , what has left us very satisfied. I think that all the assistants have taken out something of provecho of our assistance and that was precisely the main aim of the meeting, that was useful for all the there gathered professionals. We want to consolidate this forum, that will have his next edition in Madrid, like the big annual appointment of the demolición in Spain.

The lemma of this year was 'The demolición is not a game of boys'. What wanted to transmit with this election?

The demolición seems in occasions the patito ugly of the sector of the construction, having to respect the rules that the constructors pactan and that many times atañen to our own activity. In Aeded understand that the demolición is a very concrete specialisation, backed by a lot of years of work and that it has to have also his own voice inside the widest field of the construction. We consider that the demolición is not “a game of boys”, but an activity that has to be exerted by professionals formed in this type of works, able to transmit responsibility and confidence to the customers. The demolición is a very serious activity that can not assign to companies that does not know of where come, that are not specialised, but that, in front of the fault of work that have in other fields, dare to do any work to a módico price. This intrusismo does a lot of damage to the sector and it is necessary to work to eradicate it. To the equal that when you need a doctor do not attend to the veterinary, neither is logical that if it is necessary to do a demolición request the work of a company that is not specialised in the demolición.

Unit has defined the stage that is touching us live like “a Russian mountain or tunnel of the terror”. By what has perceived in the forum of this year, how are facing the Spanish professionals of the demolición this difficult situation?

If I am him sincere, have perceived more optimism of the that expected me. In spite of the hard situation by which crosses the market and of the grave problems to which have to confront us daily, like the already mentioned intrusismo labour or the non-payments, the true is that the Spanish professionals of the demolición are encarando the crisis looking for new solutions and adapting to the new characteristics of the market.

Taking into account all what have on and what still remains us for happening, in this forum, have to recognise that I have perceived optimism so much by part of the professionals of the demolición as of the providers/display units.

Photo of group with the assistants to the Forum of Demolición 2012
Photo of group with the assistants to the Forum of Demolición 2012.

Which are, in his opinion, the main threats for the demolición in Spain? What is what more urge solve?

I would stand out two. On the one hand, the intrusismo, the need of profesionalizar even more our activity and to do see to the customers that is preferable to trust skilled companies because, of the contrary, at the end the cheap can result very expensive. And second, the non-payments to which confront us, many of which are responsibility of the big constructors. Of at all it serves the Law of Fight against the Morosidad if, by behind, the customer forces you to sign a subcontract to pay to 180 days. It follows existing a big inhygiene to the hour to earn a will pay.

It could give us some data that reflect the fall of activity that has lived the demolición in Spain during the last years?

To level of production, the activity has descended between a 60 and 80% from the start of the crisis. This to general level, because if we go in more in detail can check how, in particular promotion, in some zones like Barcelona, are brushing the level 0 of activity, and that in public work hardly moves something thanks to some hospital. In Barcelona, for example, during the last months also have perceived a small business participation deprived in the hotels, but already are noticing also symptoms of flaqueza in this line of work.

It commented previously that one of the main aims that has marked the association Aeded is the one to advance to a greater specialisation. How it can incidir in this?

From the association want to boost a specific learning for the operators of demolición, of such form that can have of a program of learning specialised and give like this a step more to a protocol of accreditation of companies. The final aim is can guarantee to the market the supply of a service of quality.

I understand that to deepen in this appearance also needs that the own customers sue the specialisation, concienciarles of the advantages that would obtain attending to a company centred in the activity of the demolición. It is not like this?

Yes, that is the most complicated part. But what is clear is that we have to give the first step, advance in this profesionalización so that the administrations and the private customers see over time that trust our companies supposes to win in tranquility.

“To level of production, the activity of demolición has descended in Spain between a 60 and 80% from the start of the crisis”

In which degree of maturity finds the demolición in Spain with regard to other European countries?

Is an activity that already is quite mature in our country although we do not finish to believe us it. We look to Europe as if there they were much more advanced that we, when in reality it is not like this. In fact, a lot of Spanish companies are going out was successfully to realise works of demolición. In the meetings of the European Association of the Demolición (EDA) appreciates perfectly how this distance that there was does some years between Spain and other countries, already has disappeared. We explain in our market with leading machinery and, in the field of the bureaucracy, is even more demanding here that other parts of Europe.

Regarding the structure of the market, with the boom of the construction went out companies like mushrooms but, with the crisis, there has been a deep cleaning.

The internationalisation is one of the main roads that have followed the companies of the OP and of the construction to try escape of the crisis that lives this country. How it can help them Aeded in these strategies?

Fundamentally sharing inside the association the 'know how', the experiences that treasure all the members of Aeded. Also facilitating the knowledge of the valid legislations in matter of demolición in the different countries, putting to the interested in contact with other skilled companies that form part of EDA, etc. What himself can say him is that the Spanish companies of demolición already have attained a good degree of internationalisation, especially in the north of Morocco, in the south of France and in Sudamérica (Chile, Peru or Brazil, among others).

The Forum of Demolición consolidates like an occasion in which can share impressesions with colleagues and employers of the guild...
The Forum of Demolición consolidates like an occasion in which can share impressesions with colleagues and employers of the guild.

In spite of the difficulties that crosses the market, the Forum of Demolición 2012 has had the backrest of important associated providers and display units. I imagine that this confidence is worthy to appreciate, no?

Of course. His participation is vital for the organisation of this meeting. His assistance allows us know the last technical novelties that go out to the market as well as share with them ours needs and interests. From here I want to appreciate them once again his assistance.

In what next aims goes to centre Aeded his activity?

Basically have to us centre in the already distinguished protocol of accreditation of the companies of demolición, with the aim to be able to endorse the value added that offer. Besides, of course, we will follow working in the catchment of a greater number of associated that they allow us do more strength and share more experiences.

Business support to the Forum 2012

Understanding the Forum 2012 like an occasion in which can share impressesions with colleagues and employers of the guild, Aeded summoned this new edition, organising a complete program developed along all the day. The technical sessions marked the rhythm of the program, including inside the first of them two reports: ‘Recommendations for the correct maintenance of implementos of demolición', to charge of Javier Llorente, of Aleximport; and ‘Types of cabins in machines bearers', developed by Ignacio Lanzadera, of JCB.

The second of the technical sessions was centred in appearances of índole practical, notable for the activity of the professionals of the demolición: ‘Protocol for the accreditation of companies in the activity of demolición'; and ‘round Table: opportunities and challenges of the guild'

The program of the Forum 2012 completed with the celebration of the General Assembly of Aeded, presented by Pablo Budia, president of the association and centred in the exhibition of the memory of the exercise of the entity.

The providers associated of Aeded, Aleximport, Finanzauto and JCB, were present in the day through his own stands, collaborating even in the different reports by means of figures of importance of his staff.

Other companies like Atlas copco, Burn Equipment, BYG and Furukawa, joined to the Forum like sponsors, showing also many of his novelties for the guild.

The backrest of these companies, joined to the good answer received by part of all the assistants, has allowed to close with the certainty to having fulfilled the aims pursued since it realised the announcement.

The Forum of Demolición 2012 had an area for display units
The Forum of Demolición 2012 had an area for display units.

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