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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Juan Andrés Sánchez Méndez, gerente de Tecnología Medio Ambiente -Grupo F.Sánchez (Grupo TMA)
“The crisis has carried to a greater social awareness in environingingmental questions”

Interview to Juan Andrés Sánchez Méndez, manager of Technology Environingingment -Group F.Sánchez (Group TMA)

David Muñoz15/10/2012
Taking advantage of the recent opening of the new Centre of Transfer of Waste of Guadassuar (Valencia), the seventh installation that the Group TMA puts in operation in Spain, interview to his manager, Juan Andrés Sánchez Méndez, to deepen in the keys of the growth that has experienced this company along the last years.
Juan Andrés Sánchez Méndez, manager of Technology Environingingment - Group F.Sánchez (Group TMA)
Juan Andrés Sánchez Méndez, manager of Technology Environingingment - Group F.Sánchez (Group TMA).

From when it is operative the new Centre of Transfer of Waste of Guadassuar?

Although the activity initiated at the beginning of the year 2012, being at present to full performance, the Centre of Transfer of waste of Guadassuar is a project that the company had in study from the year 2010. The formality of licences and permissions produced at the beginning of the 2011. This same year realised the works of demolición of the ancient installations, movement of earths, civil work and cimentación, as well as the closing and all the own infrastructures of the centre (paving, ship, offices, scale, electrical installations and installation of all the fixed and mobile machinery such as the presses, the retrogiratoria, the shovels, carts, etc). They have invested 2,5 million euros in all this process.

What objective have wanted to cover opening this new centre? Which activities develop in him?

The main aim that has motivated us to set up this installation has been prioritariamente expand our zone of influence in the Valencian Community. From the year 1997 TMA has presence in Alicante where manages a tank controlled of industrial waste with an approximate capacity of ten million cubic metres.

Also had a big interest in giving support to our current customers as well as in expanding our direct wallet or indirectly through other operators. The new plant has helped us to expand our volume of tonnes collected and treated in all the Valencian Community.

The plant is an intermediate installation between the centres of production and the ones of elimination. In her they realise operations of valorisation and recovery of industrial waste such like paper and cardboard, plastics, wood, ferric, etc.

Besides, as in the rest of the installations, offer the direct service of collected of waste through own vehicles of rear load with system of compactación, trucks hook, portacontenedores, mobile flats, as well as all type of containers, boxes and compactadores (from 1 until 70 m3).

With which type of waste work in this centre?

In the centre of transfer recepcionan at present industrial and commercial waste of the no dangerous ‘typology', as well as all that waste valorizables. The plant at present with all his infrastructure has an upper capacity to 500 daily tonnes of reception, treatment and valorisation.

Which elements would stand out, to technological level, of this new centre? It has bet for having the last technology in gestión of waste?

A high percentage of all the industrial and commercial waste that arrive to the plant have not been selected in origin and thus his separation for his back valorisation is complex. To be able to solve this problematic, the company has bet for investing in machinery of leading manufacturers in the sector.

Besides, no only in this installation but in all the centres of TMA, bet by the technology in all the areas of the company with the aim to be more efficient and to offer a better service to our customers, a service of quality that satisfy his expectations.

Like sample of this, at present find us immersed in the process of implantation of a new ERP that will help us to improve the processes and reduce costs. Also, from it does a time have implanted the weighing automatic of our vehicles as well as the use of mobile devices for the follow-up and control in real time of all our fleet.

New Centre of Transfer of Waste of the Group TMA in Guadassuar (Valencia)
New Centre of Transfer of Waste of the Group TMA in Guadassuar (Valencia).

To which providers of machinery have attended to set up this project?

Between the equipment purchased, stands out a machine octopus Liebherr; a loaders shovel Komatsu; two carts elevadoras Linde; and a presses Pal Group.

Which geographic area cover with this new centre of transfer?

With this new centre of transfer, TMA covers the provinces of Valencia and Castellón. If to this add him the centre of Novelda, TMA offers an integral service of gestión of waste in all the Valencian Community.

"In the centre of transfer recepcionan at present industrial and commercial waste of the no dangerous ‘typology', as well as all that waste valorizables"

Which synergies contribute these new installations regarding others with which already explained TMA, as those that signals of Novelda or the ones of his head office of Sant Cugat of the Vallés? In which measure contributes this initiative to his aim to realise an integral gestión of the residue?

The installation of Valencia is the seventh that the group TMA puts in operation in Spain. The main synergy that contributes this new installation is the one to give a territorial service much wider to all our current customers and futures. Besides it allows us expand the activity of our point finalist of Novelda regarding the number of tonnes recepcionadas with the corresponding increase in our volume of business in the Peninsula.

Any new plant of the pertaining environingingmental sector to the group TMA helps us to achieve the aims to close the circles of integral gestión of waste as well as the one of territorial growth.

They have foreseen to realise to short-half new term investments for incidir in this aim of integral gestión of the residue?

Yes, specifically are working in the extension of the Centre of Treatment of Waste Biosanitarios of Terrassa. During the last quarter of the 2012 will duplicate the capacity of reception and waste treatment biosanitarios of this centre that initiated his activity on 1 October 2011. Also, It is realising the construction of a plant of treatment of medicines of industrial origin, situated in the same ship in which it realises the extension.

Besides, are working in the construction of the Environingingmental Complex Hoya Gonzalo (Albacete), some destined installations to create the environingingmental complex elder of Castile-La Mancha and that will have Centre of Valorisation, Factory of Fuel Derived of Waste, Plant of treatment of Waste Biosanitarios and Tank controlled of Waste class II.

Likewise, are in negotiations to initiate new projects in the Community of Madrid and in Aragon.

For the new Centre, TMA has purchased, among others equipment, a machine octopus Liebherr
For the new Centre, TMA has purchased, among others equipment, a machine octopus Liebherr.

Like specialists in the matter, considers that this crisis is comporting a step backwards in the terrain won in environingingmental protection in Spain?

All the contrary. The crisis has carried to a greater social awareness so much by part of the public servicys like the civil society regarding the environingingmental questions. The companies of the sector are betting by the aprovechamiento of the resources that are allocated to our plants of treatment, applying new technologies of form and way that said resources go back to the productive cycle, avoiding possible environingingmental pollutions

Finally, it could do us a small summary of the evolution gone on down TMA (Group F. Sánchez)? Which activities develop today?

TMA Founded around the middle of the years 60 like company of channelling, movement of earths and derribos. The crisis of finals of the 70, did replantear the future of our activities and to the start of the 80, achieved the first public agreement of gestión of waste, specifically the one of collected and transport of domiciliary waste of Sant Cugat of the Vallès. Later they went incorporating others.

Was by this capacity of adaptation and development of new services by what decided give a new impulse of growth entering us in the collected industrial of waste of the private sector at the beginning of the 90. At present, 90% of the business comes from of the gestión of waste.

Between 1994 and 1996 integrated cheese cheese businesses of gardening and later created the division of earths and complementos that inaugurate in the year 2000. In this same period set up diverse tanks of industrial waste and waste of the construction.

These last years, TMA has centred in the need to diversify and offer new services that give answer to the needs crossed of our customers and our divisions. To know in detail ours wide range of services visit ours new web

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