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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Publirreportaje SolidWorks: Entrevista a Antonio Neupauer, director de la Oficina Técnica de LEC

Publirreportaje SolidWorks: Interview to Antonio Neupauer, director of the Technical Office of LEC


3 November 2011

His company

It could do a balance of the path of his company from his foundation until our days?

Since we begin ours first investigations in 2005 on technology LED, have developed efficient solutions of external illumination and interior like the Tubes Onuba, Downlights GADIR, dicroicos, luminarias Viales… In addition to a new software of tele management that allows to control from any mobile device with access to Internet, the state of the luminarias, guaranteeing like this a greater control of the consumption and of the illumination, according to the needs of the moment. But we keep growing and improving. Thanks to our department of R&D, in LEC follow investigating and developing the most efficient technology of the market in illumination.

The balance of these years has been very positive since we have achieved attainments very important. In our short life like company have turned us into a mark of reference in the sector. We have achieved to be pioneering in Spain with ours first installation of lighted up public in the 2007 and have duplicated our staff in the last year and follow increasing it almost month by month, all a feat in the times that run.

Which activities develops the signature, and in which sectors is specialised/specialized?

At present LEC develops systems of inner and external illumination based in technology LED, in addition to the development of applications to improve still more the performances obtained by our products of illumination.

At present, our main customers find in the business sector and public administration, with high energetic demands that require to reduce his costs lumínicos already was on economic grounds and/or half environmental.


Which are the main advantages of the technology LED?

Mainly, and the most known by all is the saving in energetic consumption. But besides, the LED does not produce heat, by what places where has to keep the temperature underneath of some determinate degrees, like cameras frigoríficas, etc. the illumination LED supposes a technology to have very in account. Finally, it does not issue infrared, by what does not attract to the insects. By the moment the LED is an expensive technology for the particular user, but the costs are reducing quickly and increasingly will go incorporating this type of illumination in all the homes.

Which consider that it is his position of market?

The positioning in this market is still a very sensitive element since it treats of an emergent sector where still a lot of companies are taking positions, even the big marks. Nevertheless, when being one of the pioneers in Spain in beginning to investigate this technology and obtain so good results, are very very positioned between the marks of reference.

Which are some of the challenges that supposes the maintenance / improves of his position in the market?

Mainly have to centre/center us in keeping our position of leaders in innovation and quality that is what really distinguishes to our products. Every time the competition is greater, but have to struggle all the days for keeping this differentiation in quality with regard to the competition. The have been of the pioneers in betting by this technology gives us one some advantage with regard to our competition.

How compete

What is what more value his customers of his products? Which value added contributes them?

The information that arrives us of our customers is that they are very satisfied with the results of our products, and no only by the energetic and economic saving that suppose, but by the quality lumínica that contributes them.

Besides, in LEC are engaged with the quality, the surroundings and the environment by what at present have the certifications in the systems of management ISO 9001:2008 of Quality, ISO 14.001:2004 of Environmental Half Management and OSHAS18001:2007 of management of the security and health in the work, and ECOdiseño in accordance with the norm JOINS 150301, something that supposes a value added for our customers to the hour to purchase our products.

How it considers that the solutions of SolidWorks can help him to increase the differentiation with regard to his competitors?

Especially, help us to shorten terms in the phase of prototipado of the new products. This helps us to his time to reduce the terms of exit to the market of the new products. For us, the reduction of these times is vital since the technology LED is in an emergent state and every time go out to the new market technologies and LEDs more efficient. If we want to keep on being leaders in innovation and quality is very important to adapt to the changes quickly. SolidWorks Helps us in this reduction of time and adaptation of the designs.


His company and SolidWorks

Which challenges pursued the company before implanting the solutions of SolidWorks?

Looked for can develop products of consumption of integral form from his design until his production of an efficient and competitive form. For this needed a tool that will accelerate us the process of development of prototypes and new products and that the modifications of product were agile and fast. In definite, reduce the time to market of the new products

Why they chose the solutions SolidWorks? It exists some characteristic of the product or his profits that were more important in his decision of purchase of SolidWorks?

By his ease of use, his versatilidad and by the perfect integration with diverse modules of other developers, as they will be, in our case, in the near future OptisWorks and CamWorks. Of this form can have all the process of design and manufacture linked.

The profits reached once implanted the solutions of SolidWorks.

Has optimised/optimized all the productive process, from the design, launching of planes, automation of tasks and in the near future, with the acquisition of CamWorks, the programming CNC on foot of machine. Equally it has diminished the time of answer in front of a design fault since the simple modification of a height in the product does that they update automatically all the documents related. All this translates in reduction of time of development of new products and therefore in economic profits. With SolidWorks have attained a reduction of 50% in time of development. Besides with our previous system CAD was very difficult to detect errors and interferences. With SoliWorks can detect the errors in the screen of the computer and do the changes before sending at all to manufacture.

What characteristic would stand out of the products of SolidWorks?

The main characteristic, that offers greater profits in front of a software of design CAD in 2D and some 3D, is the rapidity with which can carry out modifications in the design of the product and the immediate update and, largely of the cases, despreocupada, so much of groups and flat as well as programming CNC for the production on foot of machine.

What characteristic would stand out of his distributor Origin?

His rapidity of answer and the implication showed in front of the needs of the customer.


His sector

How you see the sector to the that represent?

The technology LED is a sector in peak and continuous development. We opt for investigating this type of technology since his development allows to convert to this type of technology in the most efficient of the market in the sector of the illumination.

At present the illumination LED goes winning terrain to the conventional illumination. So much it is like this, that recently the Ministry of Industry together with the ICO has signed an agreement for the support of the ESES (Companies of Energetic Services) allocated to support economically to institutions and companies that want to invest in this technology and can not face up to the initial cost.

The future

On the Future of his company …

As it said, LEC is a young company with some wide expectations of growth. The development of products can follow us carrying very far, since no only centre/center us in producing, but in investigating and improve what already exists.

In LEC have experienced an important growth in our first years of life by what expect to continue improving our positioning in the market in the future, no only by the results achieved in the national market, but by which expect to achieve in the international field.

The products SolidWorks help us to shorten terms in the phase of prototipado of the new products and, to his time, to reduce the ones of his exit to the market
The have been of the pioneers in betting by the technology LED gives us one some advantage with regard to our competition

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