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Initiative of Diary 21 Venue of Granada

Ecoparque Mobile: know invites to do

Diary 21 Venue of Granada07/01/2013
The ecoparque mobile is a vehicle adapted to recycle, where can deposit waste that do not admit in the containers that usually find in the public road. The City council of Granada, in his eagerness to promote programs of environingingmental education that improve the quality of the city and, in consequence, the quality of life of his citizenship, wants to print another character to the ecoparque mobile.

The present article has been elaborated by Jerónimo Life Manzano, Francisco Muñoz Collado, Lorena García Martín, Ángela Guevara Room, Nuria Guzmán Vico, Pilar Martín García and Verónica Márquez Milestones, of Diary 21 Venue of Granada.

Ecoparque Mobile of Granada
Ecoparque Mobile of Granada.

Pretends that this infrastructure was not simply a half to disposal of the citizenship for the collected selective of the waste of itinerant and rotary presses form by the city, but it constitute also a half for propiciar a system of social and cultural values chords with the environingingmental sustainability: recycling solidario and information and environingingmental advice by qualified personnel. This new initiative heads to all the sectors of the grenadian society and will require of several of phases of execution, differentiated in planning of the performances, communication, advertising and development of the proposals.

Likewise, with this project achieves contribute to the descent of the broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero necessary to mitigate the climatic change and fulfil with the European commitment of reduction of 20% for the year 2020, in which the city of Granada finds immersed (Pact of the Mayors) In this work, in addition to presenting of form detailed the project and the phases of development of the campaign of awareness proposed, quantifies and analyses his repercussion and the results obtained in the first months of development. The City council of Granada understands that the project 'Know invites to do: Ecoparque mobile' is an investment that will contribute of important form to the essential aim of his Diary 21 Venue to achieve a Sustainable Granada, a city to live.


A suitable gestión of the waste begins recognising that everything is potentially aprovechable. We understand like rubbish what do not know reutilizar neither recycle. The waste that generate in the Spanish homes, suppose a third part of the total of the waste generated in the country (Data 2008, Statistical Office of the EU, Eurostat). This waste are of diverse types, the problem is that in many of the cases, the citizenship does not know where deposit them for his correct reuse or recycled. If each person does not separate the wastes properly in his house, of at all serves a good gestión of the waste by part of the administrations. In this context, the apparition of the ecoparques supposes a fundamental turning point in plough to achieve an effective collected selective. It is thus that we can say that the ecoparques are one of the most decided bets regarding method of collected selective refers . The fundamental ends of the ecoparques, also designated ‘clean points', are:

  • The reduction
  • The reuse
  • The recycled.

An ecoparque is an installation whose aim is to optimise the assessment of the waste by the road of the recovery and the recycling, in which the own citizenship can deposit of form separated the distinct types of domestic waste that do not delete in the collected domiciliary. It is a free service for the population, that allows the separation in different containers of: demolitions, trastos old, tyres, appliances, metals, etc. Later this waste are moved to the recycling plants or to the dumps controlled. We could, therefore, define finally the ecoparque like a centre of collected, selection and recycled of solid waste, of free access for all the citizenship.

Have to say that the method of collected selective through the use of the ecoparque, requires a greater citizen participation for his operation that another type of collected, since these installations are used to find moved away of the residential zones and the citizenship has to move to the same. Thus, to the hour to speak of ecoparques can not leave to speak of environingingmental sensitisation since so that his use was effective, the citizenship has to know:

  • That exists an ecoparque in his city
  • Where is situated the same
  • How do use of the same
  • For what serves really an ecoparque
  • The importance of his collaboration
  • The importance of the collected selective nowadays.

Antecedents: ecoparques in Granada

The General Plan of Urban Ordination of Granada 2001 (PGOU 2001) includes the possible location of three ecoparques in the city: Ecoparque North, Ecoparque West and Ecoparque South.

With regard to the Ecoparque South, the location established is collected in the ‘General Systems of infrastructures'. According to the Article 2.1.6 of the PGOU 2001, a ‘Floor of General Systems',

“Comprises the surfaces that, without prejudice to the classification of the floor, are allocated by the Plan to the establishment of the elements of road and general infrastructure, free spaces and public endowments determinantes of the urban development and especially configurators of the general and organic structure of the territory”.

The project to endow to Granada of ecoparques or clean points, although has own entity, vertebró like part of a wider project: the project ‘Optimisation of the system of collected selective of urban waste by means of Areas of contribution and Ecoparques (Clean Points) in Granada', that was approved by Decision of the Commission of the European Union, C (2001) 3607 of 18 December 2001, relative to the granting of a help of the Cohesion fund for a group of projects referred to ‘Performances to execute for the gestión of waste in the Autonomous Community of Andalucia 2001-Group II' in Spain, whose Annex I figure in the Section 1. Title of the individual projects with the number3.

Nevertheless the description of the project had to modify in June of 2004, remaining only with the construction of the Ecoparque North and rejecting to the construction of the Ecoparque South and West because of the férrea opposition that sustained the neighbours of the adjacent zones to the place where would go situated each one of them. Of this way, around the middle of the month of June of 2005, inaugurated the Ecoparque North of Granada, pioneer in the province. Ecoparque North finds situated in the Industrial Polygon The Florío in the crossing of the Avenue of Málaga and the Circunvalación. The zone is perfectly communicated with the rest of the city and the metropolitan area that the circunda. The circulation for the tank of the waste does by a vial high and that gives access to the distinct containers. Previous to the rampa of access is the zone of dangerous waste and the office of gestión. Account besides with a small warehouse and a room of multiple uses usually used like room of conferences.

Later, in 2007, proposed from the Area of Environingingment, in the study of the review of the General Plan of 2007, another zone for the location of the designated Ecoparque South. Said proposal was the one to install the Ecoparque South just across the autovía between the entrance of the road of access to the municipalities of The Zubia, Cájar and Monachil, but said proposal did not have acceptance since it was inside the limit of protection of the course of flood of the River Monachil (this allegation did it Hydrographic Confederation of the Guadalquivir in the phase of public information).

Ecoparque Mobile: a new alternative to the recycling

The construction of the Ecoparque in the zone South of Granada kept on being a subject of interest for the grenadian citizenship, since like this it reflected and reflected in the ‘Plan of Action 2009-2013 by a Sustainable Granada for the Milenario', elaborated by the Diary 21 Venue of Granada, with the work and contributions of the technicians of the City council of Granada and Forum 21, organ of citizen participation promoted by the own Diary 21 Venue.

The main reason of the interest by the construction of the Ecoparque South was to arrive to the citizenship, facilitate them the recycling, so that they did not have to displace to the Ecoparque North, but the subject is that as on the one hand it was difficult find another possible location and by another, the neighbours of zone south were not of the all happy, the City council of Granada opted by a better alternative that the own construction of the Ecoparque South, the Ecoparque Mobile.

The ecoparque mobile is a vehicle adapted to recycle, where can deposit waste that do not admit in the containers that find in the public road. This vehicle will transport the materials to the Ecoparque North of the municipality, to be able to recycle them later. They will be able to use the Ecoparque Mobile the particular, trades, offices and services, whose production of waste, by his nature or composition, can assimilate to the produced in the home addresses. With the set up of the Ecoparque Mobile will fulfil the main purpose that wanted to attain with the construction of the Ecoparque South and besides will go further, since with the Ecoparque Mobile will arrive to all the districts and neighbourhoods of the city, no only to the zone south.

This type of equipment characterises by his versatilidad to the hour to realise a collected selective of inert waste in the different districts of the city, since the container transportable that constitutes the ecoparque mobile moves easily of a neighbourhood to another in a gifted truck with team of hook, depositing in a free space or public road where the citizens can deposit the waste that usually do not know what do with them neither to where carry them, such as: electrical devices of small size, fluorescent, lamps of low consumption, LED, oils used, aerosols, X-rays, demolitions in little quantity, batteries, batteries, paintings, glaze, etc.

Lateral sight of the ecoparque mobile of Granada
Lateral sight of the ecoparque mobile of Granada.

In the interior is compartmentalized in distinct accommodations for containers with individual capacity 360 litres, allocated to receive the tank of the different fractions of RSU, of such way that are unambiguously identified by the users the container or containers to that it has to direct to effect his tank in function of the type of residue.

With this measure of vicinity pursues that it go calando in the feel popular the consciousness of responsibility with the half so that we collaborate each one from our modest, but real, possibilities to attain a sustainable development.

The City council of Granada pretends that in addition to the approach of the ecoparque mobile to the citizen of itinerant and rotary presses form, as it has indicated , by all the districts of the city, serve like point of advice and information, by qualified personnel, to reach the aim of the sustainable development, by means of the selective separation in origin, that is to say in the domestic field, of the distinct fractions of RSU.

When approaching to his own domiciles an ecoparque mobile and incite them to do use of the same receiving the necessary qualified advice, a lot of citizens and citizen will learn what is a clean point or ecoparque, as in spite of the good level of acceptance of the existent, the true is that it follows having a big sector of the population that, or desconoce completely his existence, or having news of his existence, have a totally garbled idea about what treats . Like this some people identify it with a dump, what has generated opposition vecinal to the implantation of other ecoparques in other points of the city; others, that treats of a business and that when collaborating with him does not receive the contraprestación that was due to change to carry them his waste; or any one other erroneous perceptions that the City council of Granada pretends to eradicate with the set up of the same.

Set up of the ecoparque mobile in Granada: a task in the consciousness of all

The set up of the ecoparque mobile goes associated to a campaign of information and communication that combines so much the use of indirect communicative elements like printed matter, audiovisual, audible, multimedia, Internet, and of direct social interaction, that help to the population to understand the environingingmental problems and his interdependencias and make possible a constructive citizen answer in front of the use of the ecoparque mobile. The campaign Is developing in five phases:

First phase

Plan of locations. During this phase develops a study of the most pertinent locations and timely as well as of the calendar for the distinct occupations of the ecoparque mobile, taking into account criteria of influx of public and of power of awareness of the places chosen, in addition to other criteria like hygiene and accessibility.

Second phase

Signage and Señalítica. It consists in the placing of posters and/or monolith type totem in the distinct points of each district in which it goes to situate the ecoparque mobile.

Third phase

Communication. In this phase, in addition to the information individualizada on foot of ecoparque mobile, give chat colloquium in residents' associations, headquarters of associations of parents, civic centres, etc.

Fourth phase

Advertising. It consists in the distribution between the greater possible number of citizens and citizen, by means of buzoneo and/or delivery in hand to the exit of markets and schools, of explanatory triptyches of the dynamics of operation of the ecoparque mobile, as well as of the distinct types of materials and waste that in the same can deposit .

Fifth phase

Work of Cabinet. By means of the designated ‘Work of Cabinet' proceeds to analyse the final result of the campaign, quantify, according to type of residue, the volume of waste selectivamente recovered and realise the environingingmental assessment determining and quantifying the reduction of broadcasts of CO2 obtained like result of the campaign.

The Plan of Locations, that is to say the most ideal place to park the truck and the best day of collected in each district, did with the help of the residents' associations and the Forum 21 of the city. Like this, the ecoparque installs each day, except Sundays and during all the month of August, in a different point of the city with the purpose to offer a service of collected of waste that cover the greater possible number of districts. The schedule established to deposit the waste is of 8 to 13 hours.

Locations of the ecoparque mobile of Granada in function of the day of the week
Locations of the ecoparque mobile of Granada in function of the day of the week.

The waste that can deposit in the ecoparque mobile are:

  • Batteries
  • domestic Oil
  • Books
  • Small appliances (beaters, coffee makers electrical, etc)
  • Light bulbs
  • Caps (collected solidaria: the profits obtained with his collected will allocate to the investigation and fight against the ataxia telangiectasia, an illness degenerativa little known)
  • Toner
  • X-rays
  • Toys
  • CD-DVD
  • Dissolvent
  • Aerosols
  • Painting
  • Mobile.

Once decided the Plan of Locations the City council of Granada, through his Area of Environingingment, proceeded to the development of the second phase of the campaign of information communication, Signage and Señalítica. They installed in the distinct locations of each district where will place the Ecoparque Mobile, fixed signals in which it indicates , in simple language, clear and concise, the materials and objects that can deposit as well as the day and schedule in that it will be operative. With this signaling what pursues is not so much indicate where is situated the Clean Point, since already it sees , but wake up the interest and curiosity of the vecindario during the days in that it was not there placed.

Signaling indicativa of the presence of the Ecoparque Mobile of Granada
Signaling indicativa of the presence of the Ecoparque Mobile of Granada.

Concluded the two first phases, the ecoparque mobile set up the day 5 June 2012, taking advantage of the celebration of the Day of the Environingingment. Nevertheless it is necessary puntualizar that while they developed the two first phases, the City council of Granada facilitated to the school centres interested the location of the ecoparque mobile in said centres, so that they situated it in his playgrounds and went calando between the pupils his use and functionality. With a bit effort by part of the profesorado and alumnado, pretended that it purchased a habit of recycling. It was this an especially interesting activity for the educational centres, since it combined the social and economic development with the conservation of the surroundings. To his time, the pupils transmitted the message between his familiar, doing promotion of the ecoparque mobile.

The third and fourth phase, Communication and Advertising, initiated shortly before the set up of the ecoparque mobile, but will be transversal and continuous phases in the time because of the importance of the environingingmental sensitisation to the citizenship and the direct impact of said awareness on the collected of waste through the ecoparque mobile.

Likewise, has realised an advertising campaign in radius under the lemma ‘do not throw anything to the rubbish, help us to recycle', indicating the emplazamientos daily of the ecoparque mobile. Also it has published in the web page of the City council of Granada a direct link to information related with this initiative.

The fifth phase, Work of Cabinet, to the equal that the previous, also will be continuous in the time. Periodically, the operarios of the Ecoparque North, will move the data to the Cabinet, which will go recopilando said information and analysing the results. Said results, will allow to his time, take decisions with regard to the phases of communication and advertising, doing greater upsetting in districts or zones where the percentage of participation and recycling was lower.

Recycling solidario

The City council of Granada, in his eagerness to promote programs of environingingmental education that improve the quality of the city and, in consequence, the quality of life of his citizenship, wants to print another character to the ecoparque mobile. It pretends that this infrastructure was not simply a half to disposal of the citizenship for the collected selective of the waste of itinerant and rotary presses form by the city, but it constitute also a half for propiciar a system of social and cultural values chords with the environingingmental sustainability as for example the recycling solidario.

The recycling solidario is a performance that puts in value the concept of sustainable development, since it leaves patent that a good sustainable gestión of the waste can repercutir beneficiosamente in the social and environingingmental surroundings, in addition to reducing costs.

From the Technical Office of the Diary 21 Venue of the City council of Granada, wanted to improve this activity. Concienciada With the study of rare illnesses, the Technical Office contacted with the Spanish Association of Families of Ataxia-Telangiectasia (Aefat) to promote jointly the mobilisation and sensitisation of the grenadian population so that, through the recycling solidario and taking advantage of the infrastructure of the ecoparque mobile, could support and collaborate actively with the grenadian families of boys affected by the illness Ataxia-Telangiectasia, as well as promote and favour his investigation.

The Ataxia-Telangectasia (AT) is a rare illness, of genetic origin and degenerativa, of which little knows and does not have of treatments curativos. The illness manifests progressively from the early infancy, without that at all it do it suspect in the moment of the birth. When knowing so few cases invests little in investigation, since it is not profitable.

The recycling solidario llevar by means of the collected of caps and cover of plastic through the ecoparque mobile, in which they enabled gaps for such purpose.

Location of the gaps for recycling solidario in ecoparque mobile of Granada
Location of the gaps for recycling solidario in ecoparque mobile of Granada.

The campaign of collected gave beginning in the schools by which was rotando the ecoparque mobile before his official presentation. The campaign did extensible to all the city of Granada, once that the ecoparque mobile went in in operation by all the districts of the city, favouring like this the recycling of caps and another special waste. publicitó Through diverse means.

Poster of presentation of the campaign
Poster of presentation of the campaign.

All the caps and cover of plastic collected through the ecoparque mobile, are accumulating in the Ecoparque North of the city until it has a considerable number for his transfer to the agent, in this case Recisur. The transfer of the caps to the agent also denotes a big solidarity by part of the grenadian population, since they are voluntary those that commission to carry said caps to Recisur without cost any. By each tonne of caps, the agent gives to the association Aefat a quantity of money for the investigation and help to the families affected by the illness designated Ataxia-telangiectasia.

Why caps and cover of plastic?

The life of the plastic is limited, being able to recycle between 5 and 8 times to go back to manufacture containers, after this loses his properties. The caps usually are of virgin plastic, thus they are the most ideal, since they can recycle until 8 times.

A project with name and surnames

Some families of boys/ace affected/ace in Granada by this illness wanted to “put face” to this campaign, to “open the eyes” to the citizenship and do it conscious that this type of rare illnesses are a more next reality of what believe.

An open campaign and without limits

From the Technical Office of the Diary 21 Venue gave the possibility to particular, associations, companies or distinct organisms interested in joining to said campaign and turn into point of collected or volunteer of transport of caps from the point of collected to the final agent.

Contribution of the ecoparque mobile to the Pact of Mayors

To finals of January of 2008 celebrated in Europe the Second Week of the Sustainable Power, in which the participants did a balance of the year passed from the first edition and analysed the recent evolution in this field. In this context, took place the official launching of the Pact of Mayors. The European initiative of the Pact of Mayors, consists in the official commitment of the cities adhered to exceed the community aims of reduction of the broadcasts of CO2, by means of performances of energetic efficiency related with the sources of renewable power.

Between the performances demanded when signing the Pact, the Cities that adhere engage to reduce his broadcasts of CO2 in, at least, 20% for 2020 by means of the application of a Plan of Action for the Sustainable Power (PAES), that will have to be elaborated in the following year to the official incorporation of the city to the Pact of Mayors. Likewise, it has to elaborate a “inventory of reference” of the broadcasts like base for the design and execution of the PAES.

The cities have the obligation to adapt his urban structures, included the allocation of the sufficient human resources, with the end to undertake the necessary actions for the set up of the Plan of Action. Of the same way, have to present a report of execution at least each two years from the presentation of the PAES with ends of evaluation, follow-up and control.

Granada, signed the Pact of Mayors on 27 March 2009. The City council of Granada delegated the editorial and follow-up of the inventory and the Plan of Sustainable Power, as well as the rest of activities to the Technical Office of the Diary 21 Venue of the municipality, since it understands that by the own nature of said Office, (consultative organ, that advises, orients the municipal gestión and boosts the citizen participation, according to the model of sustainable development) aúna all the necessary characteristics to act like coordinator of the same and look after his successful achievement and fulfillment.

Once that the Diary 21 Venue did the timely gestión in coordination with the Area of Environingingment to entitle the ecoparque mobile with the sticker of recycling solidario and this set up, agreed that periodically, the Cabinet commissioned to analyse the final result of the campaign of communication information, quantify, according to type of residue, the volume of waste selectivamente recovered and realise the environingingmental assessment determining and quantifying the reduction of broadcasts of CO2 obtained like result of the recycling of each type of residue, would move such results to the team of Diary 21 Venue to go incorporating them to the PAES and contribute like this to the descent of the broadcasts of necessary gases to mitigate the climatic change and fulfil with the European commitment of reduction of 20% for the year 2020, in which the city of Granada finds immersed (Pact of the Mayors).

In definite, the reuse and recycling of waste translates in a reduction of the broadcasts of CO2, since for example, the recycling of cover and caps of plastic, reduces the consumption of oil. For each kilogram of plastic no recycled need 2 kilograms of raw oil. That is to say, if we did not recycle it would be issuing the broadcasts of CO2 that produce the consumption of 2 kilos of raw oil. Likewise, can arrive to save between a 30 and 70% of the power when they recycle the steel or the aluminium.

Assessment and conclusions

The data of which has from the set up of the ecoparque mobile, are not still representative of the impact of the recycling of waste that will attain thanks to his operation and rotation by the distinct districts of the city. This is due to the fact that, by diverse technical reasons, in the month of June, only was in operation between the days 12 and 30, in July of the 3 to the 21 and in August was not in service, although it is to stand out that in all these days, except six, collected waste of all the possible typologies and in the distinct districts of the city, what denotes, that the efforts of the campaign of advertising and communication and the route of the ecoparque mobile by the distinct schools interested previous to the operation of the same, caló partly of the grenadian society.

Like data of interest that's that of game to go analysing results of the recycling and taking out conclusions, in the months of June and July, is interesting to stand out that of the six days in which it did not collect at all, two were in the district of the Zaidín, being the others four delivered between the rest of districts. The residue that has attained a greater collected by part of the ecoparque mobile has been the X-rays, with a total of 220 units in both months, followed of the CD-DVD with a total of 115 units in the two months and the one who less, the toner with a total of 8 units. The campaign of advertising and communication has gone back to restart with strength in September and the days of operation of the ecoparque mobile by the distinct districts occupy the whole months, although we still do not have the data of the month of September to be able to issue a trial of value.

The activity of the ecoparque mobile and the campaign of communication and advertising is the beginning of a long way that remains for visiting and for this has the enthusiasm of all the technical personnel involved, always led by the interest that have put in this the representatives of the City council of Granada, without forgetting that the true success of the same roots in the participation of the citizenship to which it is necessary to know arrive and motivate. We find us in front of the principle of an initiative that will continue and will extend , including more types of waste for the collected, in the free gaps still existent in the ecoparque mobile, along the years.

To his time, it is necessary to stand out, that simultaneously to the activity of the ecoparque mobile, the collected of caps in the context of the recycling solidario for the investigation and help to the families affected by the illness Ataxia-Telangiectasia, is being all a success, since in addition to the own collected of caps that is llevar through said ecoparque, from the Technical Office of the Diary 21 Venue gave the possibility to particular, associations, companies or distinct organisms interested in said social work, in turning into point of collected. In this sense, gladdens us stand out that already there are four points of collected more in the city, being two of them two school centres, an association and a municipal office, having the application of information of a lot of more centres interested no only in Granada, but of the province and other places of Spain that, that when seeing the news and his repercussion, want to know how put a project of these dimensions under way in his city.

By all the previous, this campaign has turned into all a referent to boost the recycling no only in Granada but in other villages and cities and, especially, a hope for the mothers, parents and familiar of the affected/ace by the illness. The City council of Granada understands that the project ‘Know invites to do: Ecoparque Mobile' is an investment that will contribute of important form to the essential aim of his Diary 21 Venue to achieve a ‘Sustainable Granada, a City to Live'.

Team of Diary 21 Venue of Granada
Team of Diary 21 Venue of Granada.

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