
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Ángel Nevado, presidente de la Associació Catalana d'Industrials del Parquet (Acip) y vicepresidente de la Federación Española del Pavimento de Madera (FEPM)

“Create, really, that is the moment to bet”

Interview with Angel snow, President of the Associació Catalana d'Industrials de Parquet (Acip) and Vice-President of the Spanish Federation of the pavement of wood (FEPM)

Mar Martínez28/07/2011

July 28, 2011

Spain is one of the exceptions when speaking of the improvement of the production of parquet in Europe. The halt in new construction impacted harshly among its manufacturers. The positive reading is that now just upload. Says Angel Nevado, Acip President and Vice-President of the FEPM which is the time to invest, when better times - come predicts that from the year-, to explore other markets, such as Morocco, the Mainland American, or why not, the same Spain South.
Angel snow, President of Acip
Angel snow, President of Acip.

According to the European Federation of the parquet (FEP), during 2010 the evolution of the production was favorable, with an increase of 4.1% compared to 2009 and 70.3 million square meters. But this increase in some European countries, was at the expense of the decrease in others, including Spain...

Domestic consumption of Spain has slowed more than in the European Union. Especially in the low range, which is making volume. Wood, for example, what most manufactures Spain is multilayer parquet top layer has been varnished and has a base in pine wood. These types of parquet, small table format is the cheapest and the most expensive are the tables of meter and a half to two meters long.

Which has been regularly in new construction, buildings, was the simplest parquet, small table. Now the new building has fallen a lot, low-end hardwood consumption has decreased quite as is that brought about the decline in Spain. Level residential particular has also fallen, but stays a bit, it has not been a very strong decline. At the level of prices, there are several manufacturers in Spain selling floors very well in price, and they have much noticed the decrease in the work.

However, according to the EFF, Spain had an outstanding level of production (10.8%). Is almost contradictory with the previous.... What tools does the country to overcome the slump, taking into account that their production is good?

The future will be for export, now emerging, especially in the American market and on the European continent. There are also companies that did not previously exported to Morocco and manufacturers are now making. There has even been some fair in Morocco and several Spanish manufacturers have gone there; It is a market emerging and, moreover, with purchasing power. At the level of United States, there are several companies that export already for years and, as well as here has fallen quite the production, there has been. South America has entered shortly, but there are some manufacturers who are betting and increasingly exported more.

On the other hand, for the installers leave is not a solution to the crisis, because they are very atomizadas and competitive at the regional level, but not beyond.

And Asia? Exhibition Construmat commitment to Beijing next year...

There is little hardwood exports to Asian countries. He thinks that the largest world exporter is China. A few years ago it sell much product simple and cheap, but now it all markets, also of the good and expensive product. There are more than 1,000 manufacturers of parquet, when here You can almost count on the fingers of the hand. If all that add you to import hardwood China takes two months and to export it, same thing, there is a large barrier to entry...

In these countries culture and climate so different that I mentioned, that are exported are very specific products?

The multilayer parquet is the principal that is exported from here, and also something solid flooring. They are products of high purchasing power. The product very cheap, very simple, does not have as much output outside. I would say that both out as here gone the mid-range. The who was in the range media, or has gone to the high or low range, but the media has practically disappeared.

What is lleva…

…en Spain is the multilayer parquet. The base is of conifer wood and noble layer is chosen by the consumer. "It is the result of the use of hardwood timber that it avoids the cost of the same, ensure a future supply, and to be a multi-layer parquet, provides great stability to the system," explained snow.

Once again the fashion of the oak "whole life", bleached, agrisado and Brown; and left aside the exotic woods. "Allow the intrusion of knots in the wood, and that is not considered a defect (in fact, it never has been), but a feature of wood that makes it more natural and authentic", adds President Acip. Dominated by natural, Matt finish without gloss "including oiled in places of prestige".

With regard to the formats, it tends towards large, tables of a meter or more.


Snow angel explains that, in hardwood, more innovative wood heat-treated and reliefs. In queues is the application of silane tails, "more clean and wide spectrum of use". And varnishes, the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the whole cycle of the varnish.


Exploring the South

Who uses parquet in Spain?

It is a consumer culture of wood, which appreciates their qualities, and which has an economy without transitional tensions over the crisis. Consumer of parquet is true, does not change to other flooring. Now he has to seek open market towards consumers accustomed to ceramic floors.

And the geographic profile?

In the northern part of Spain are used much more solid platforms which in the South. Its application is also a more generic, and not confined to private homes, but that occurs also in shops, hotels, bars, etc... But it is true that, although as I said before, export is difficult, there are distributors that are opening up delegations for Castile, Andalusia or Extremadura to enlarge the market. On these sites before not touched the floor, and is now placing a little bit more than before, but the subject is still very green.

The parquet, and the wood construction in general, are associated to the Nordic countries, to the cold. Instead, we use wood as a design solution for external, environmental platforms and integrative, in cities mediterráneas…

In the Nordic countries is much more implemented the parquet for interiors, but in countries such as ours, of Mediterranean air, outdoor platform has taken much strength. They take force Woods until now little used, as termotratado pine, acacia, and other tropical timber that will be gradually replacing the ipé, because their high consumption is shooting its price. There is much product for platforms that is bought in South America, as tropical platforms, for example. Or in Africa. Some are already machined and finished. In other cases, the wood becomes rough and then the manufacturer machines them here. There is no official figure of production or consumption.

Indoors, 70-80% of what it sells is multilayer parquet. Almost everything that occurs is multilayer parquet and interior flooring is 6-7 per cent in relation to all the hardwood that is marketing. But it is a very stable percentage in years, it has been maintaining.

We consume Spanish parquet, or import it from other countries?

It still matters, even though the Spanish brands have caught enough prestige in recent years. Before, it was very difficult to identify Spanish manufacturers among pavements that were placed.

Beyond the wood

What it characterized enterprises engaged in manufacturing floor?

In the National Association of manufacturers of Parquet (ANFP), the vast majority of companies that makes parquet only makes this product. They tend to be very traditional companies that manufactured parquet before and they continue to do. Yes it is true that some only previously manufactured a type of parquet and have now diversified.

Regardless of this, there are dealers who previously wore only a brand and are now taking new brands. In Construmat, for example, was much the entry of the PVC, or the technological platform for foreign, which is a mixture of wood and polyethylene. In other words, it is betting on diversifying.

The Acip organizes the installers from parquet of Construmat contest. Photo: Fira de Barcelona
The Acip organizes the installers from parquet of Construmat contest. Photo: Fira de Barcelona.

Parquet manufacturers did not do as an intrusion this entry of the composites?

For which only manufactures parquet, it's pure and tough competition. For the Distributor did not; It is a complement. There are not many installers companies who purchase directly to factories, it always happens by distributor. Eye!, which it also selected and products that have less output no longer stock. A year ago, you had a fee with almost everything in stock, and now only stock products of greater rotation. Stock, who is now no longer the dealer, but the manufacturer.


“The parquet is natural, only. It is the only floor that apetece feel, in addition to with the sight, with the sense of the touch. It is not cold in winter, is not hot in summer. Has an easy cleaning and a maintenance that, with the last advances in varnishes, prolongs the life of the parquet and his good state.

The wood ages with taste, adopting tonalities and own nuances that elevate his attention in front of the consumer. They are authentic ‘floors' to the that other pavings try to imitate (laminados, ceramic…).

A wooden floor chooses usually with the heart more than with the reason. But, with the current technology, the wood attends also to a service of reasonable use without big annoyances, neither in the installation, neither in the maintenance”.

To what extent is an element of energy efficiency?

The parquet requires much less energy in its production than any other element aluminium (piedra…). It is renewable. Store CO2 in production. Works as acoustic insulation and adequate systems of installation is efficient in combination with floor heating. In this respect must always follow the instructions of the installer, as a same parquet may or may not be more or less efficiently depending on how you you have installed.

Let's talk about competencia…

What is doing much harm is the synthetic, laminate flooring. It is significantly cheaper and is being sold as ground 'of great battle'. So there are people who, for fear that wood is manche is grate or change color, well, it makes laminate flooring, whose appearance is every day more like wood.

Are how they doing parquet manufacturers and distributors before the crisis that we drag?

Any plant of the most important in Spain is from a situation of distress and has even reached acreedores… contest Manufacturers are struggling to export, in Morocco there are many companies that have been in the fair to try to enter there, and some are getting.

Perhaps out efforts are being made but, for example, in Construmat, manufacturers of hardwood there were virtually none. That should not be done in a crisis, which is to reduce investment in marketing, is the fact that we are encountering. Of exhibitors that there was much were technological platform, composite, and four or five of PVC.

Then, should manufacturers of parquet evolve also this type of offer?

There is no manufacturer of parquet, nor one that manufactures technological platform. It is another world.

Architecture and parquet. Of me an example as you like it...

The Museum of the science of Barcelona,CosmoCaixa-. It boasts parquet of oak industrial, a little-known parquet, high performance and reduced price.

During the 18th Convention of the FEPM, held in June in San Sebastian, he emphasized the struggle of the Federation against the intrusion and the challenge of rehabilitation. Tell us about this…

We want consumers to associate professionalism both Woods and auxiliary materials, like the professional that uses. The intrusion occurs, especially in the installation of parquet of reduced prices and Prefinished formats. In the high-end or floors that require professional installation, the intrusion is not so widespread.

Has DIY done damage here?

Less than in the rest of Europe, where there are manufacturers that channel their products both for the consumer and the professional.

ACIP organized, once again, the contest of installers from parquet of Construmat, and took the opportunity to insist on the security of the instalador…

Each time require us more. The problem is that it requires much and do inspections in new construction, but there is very little control in residential work. What we need to do is educate people to really not made only gloves and helmet if necessary in a great work and fear to come an inspection, but they actually use on a daily basis. This is: use the knee pads, boots, mask, goggles to cut.

It is not to be a very ruinous sector with regard to accidents, but yes it is true you're going for works and many people are not using all of these measures.

How is the consumer today?

There is much slowed, there is much nerve, good company which is reducing staff and investment, and I really believe that it is the time to bet. This is like the stock market, not to be expected to have risen to buy. When the market is already at its lowest, is when you have to start investments to take then the comeback. And I think that the moment that is arriving. It has not yet arrived but it is coming.

Elections, does turning point?

Does it when it can be?

It is difficult, but I would like to think that when it through the elections there will be a boost up, wins the party that WINS. But now there is much uncertainty, many investments that are stops or is reduciendo… I believe that that there is a change or a political renewal, will encourage a little consumption.

What rock bottom then to rise

The big problem we have is that there are many companies that are both reducing their capacity which, when consumption, should be encouraged not going to assume it.

Do you encourage then entrepreneurs - even though it is risky - to to not expect better times to invest?

Look, the work of the parquet is very seasonal. In summer it greatly increases, tug-of-war in winter normally. I foresee a fourth quarter will be quite hard for lack of work, and perhaps the first quarter of 2012 happens the same. Even at the level of delinquency may be quite a few new features, because there are some very touched companies. But, from there, I would like to think that 2012 will be a year much better than 2011, which will be similar to 2010. Although there will be companies, as I said, that they will not be prepared and others that Yes...

Well, we just talking about a little in positivo…

Not very short term, but within a year, I think we all better now. With the crisis we have accumulated a huge stock of housing and this stock is now reducing, the floors are falling in price. This stock is reduced and back to start again the construction of housing and even the Bank (Dios) opens a little tap, I believe that demand will rise, and strong.

To better in six months or a year or a year and a half. I believe that past elections, some investment for those who are unemployed could once again put in place. There will be a significant demand recovery. I remember a conversation I had with the President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce. He said that since people have short term memory, if 2012 compare it with 2011, it will be an incentive to encourage the sector.

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