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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Marino Petracco, ingeniero químico especializado en la ciencia del café
“A 'espresseso' very done arrives to the cup in thirty seconds, no in ten”

Interview to Marino Petracco, chemical engineer specialised in the science of the coffee

Javier García02/05/2012
Desvelar The physical reasons and chemists of the success of the coffee in our society. East was the aim of the report ‘The magic chemicals of the coffee in the cup and in the mouth', that pronounced in the past edition of Madrid Fusion the chemical engineer Marino Petracco. The Italian scientist, lover of the good coffee, is, definitely, an expert in the matter: it was president of the European Commission for the studies on the physiological effects of the coffee and investigates for Illy from does more than 25 years.
Marino Petracco, chemical engineer and specialist in coffee
Marino Petracco, chemical engineer and specialist in coffee.

Which is the secret of the success of the coffee?

Definitely, the caffeine: the stimulating soft more extended in the world. It is the one who wakes up us, activates us and gives us joy.

And therefore it is so extended in our society?

Therefore and by another reason.


His flavour!

And to who sticks more the caffeine and the flavour of the coffee?

To the Nordic countries. There the fault of solar light during all the year depresseses to the people.

Claro, and to counter...

To counter take the double of coffee that we.

Speak me of the varieties of the coffee.

There are two botanic species very different that, lamentably, sell often mixed: arábica and robust. The first is sweet and aromatic; the second is more bitter, with flavour to wood and to earth.

However, you affirms that the coffee does not have flavour. How it is this possible?

Well, when I say that the flavour of the coffee does not exist, refer me to that we understand the flavour of the coffee through his aromas, to través the zone retronasal, that is the one who more acts in our senses. In the mouth perceive hardly his bitter flavour and acid, with a bit of sweet. It is in the nose where the molecules olorosas that sueltan in the mouth contribute the feeling of aroma, that is the rich of the coffee.

And it is this aroma the one who seduces us or is the caffeine?

The caffeine does not stick. It sticks the habit, that nowadays has converted also in a social ritual. It would not be difficult to leave the habit to take coffee and without symptoms of abstinence, but anybody does it, since it is a pleasant ritual and accepted.

How much takes in doing effect, in arriving to the brain?

Few minutes, since it absorbs partially in mouth and stomach. Afterwards it goes in in the blood, and the liver deletes it in few hours.

“The caffeine does not stick. It sticks the habit, that nowadays has converted also in a social ritual. It would not be difficult to leave the habit to take coffee and without symptoms of abstinence”

The secret is in the mix? There is a perfect combination?

There is a lot of 'artists' that affirm to have the secret of the mix. Maybe it was truth that a good mix is like a work of art: there are several styles and always there is somebody that likes him a work that others do not appreciate. The bases of the art are in the balance of sweet, acid, bitter and aroma.

How it beverages an expert the coffee? How it beverages it you, for example?

Without sugar, not to confuse the palate. There are coffees that are sweet by nature, that do not need that it add them at all.

Which moment of the day is more indicated to enjoy of a cup of coffee?

All! The first coffee of the morning joins the soul to the body; the one of average tomorrow allows to invite somebody to share a pleasure; the one who takes after the food is an excellent digestive...

And the one of before sleeping?

The followers of the coffee of the night are those that do not scare by a bit of sleeplessness.

We know to drink coffee in Spain?

Would like me say that yes! Alas, there are habits of consumption, as the one of the coffee torrefacto, that do not allow to appreciate the variety of the aromas, sometimes floral, of the pure coffee.

There is who says that here, in our country, does not prepare properly in cafés and restaurants. Which is his opinion in this regard?

In spite of that there is coffee makers 'espresseso' everywhere, the personnel that handles them does not seem me very ready: often I find cups of 'espresseso' too full or ready too fast. A 'espresseso' very done arrives to the cup in thirty seconds, no in ten.


Of Ethiopia to the world

The coffee, the one who drink, is an infusion done with the grains of the cafeto or plant of coffee, that seeds and works in tropical countries and subtropicales. Originario Of Ethiopia, in the actuality, the most common variety, cafeto arábica (coffea arabica), cultivates in Brazil, that heads the ránquing, with a third of the world-wide production, and in other American countries like The Saviour, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Panama, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba or Bolivia. Also it is present in Tanzania, Cameroon, Kenia and Java.

The another species, the cafeto robust (coffea canephora) plants in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Angola and Zaire, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Philippines and, as no, Brazil.

“The task of the chemist is to foresee and delete the natural defects (immature grains, empodrecidos or mohosos) more than creating new aromas. It is not necessary to add something artificial to the magic of the coffee”

The coffee and the chemical

You is chemical engineer. Speak me of the relation between chemicals and coffee.

Would say that of between all the beverages —maybe, even, between all the foods— the coffee is the most investigated. I do not know if it exists another food of the that analyse until two thousand chemical compounds natural.

To which processes subjects him to the coffee for his manufacturing?

The only is the toasted (220 ºC). It is the manager of the aroma. In reality, it transforms in almost one thousand aromas the substances precursors: proteins, sugars and fat of the seed of the cafeto. Afterwards it suffices with protecting it well with a good container. 

For example?

The best is under pressesure of inert gas.

How it is the coffee by inside?

Like a lot of seeds, sugars and proteins that combine between yes by the reaction of Courierslard and turn into pigments —the raw coffee is green, no brown— and aromas. The difference roots in the microscopic structure of the cellular walls, very strong, that allows some inner pressesures of reaction of until 40 atmospheres: This is the true secret of the pleasure that feel when taking a tacita of 'espresseso'.

What there is of the effects of the coffee in our organism? In which way affects us?

In addition to the caffeine, there are so many substances in the drink of coffee that seems impossible that do not have effects on our organism. In reality, there is a vast medical literature that affirms that a moderate consumption but constant of coffee provides profits for our health.

What can do to improve the aroma a chemist like you?

The nature already knows what needs. The task of the chemist is to foresee and delete the natural defects (immature grains, empodrecidos or mohosos) more than creating new aromas. It is not necessary to add something artificial to the magic of the coffee.

It finish this sentence: “The coffees is…”

“…Alluring and object of investigation for me and more chemical like me. Also it is the sustento for 25 million people in poor tropical countries. But, especially, the coffee is a pleasure for trillion consumers!

nutritional Value

(by each 100 grams of infusion)

Fats: 0,02 g

  • Saturated: 0,002 g 
  • Trans: 0 g
  • Monoinsaturadas: 0,015
  • Poliinsaturadas: 0,001

Proteins: 0,12 g

Water: 99,39 g

Caffeine: 40 mg

Vitamin To: 0 μg (0%)

β-caroteno: 0 μg (0%)

Tiamina (Vit. B1): 0,014 mg (1%)

Riboflavina (Vit. B2): 0,076 mg (5%)

Niacina (Vit. B3): 0,191 mg (1%)

Sour pantoténico (B5): 0,254 mg (5%)

Vitamin B6: 0,001 mg (0%)

VITAMIN E: 0,01 mg (0%)

Calcium: 2 mg (0%)

Ironinging: 0,01 mg (0%)

Magnesium: 3 mg (1%)

Manganese: 0,023 mg (1%)

Phosphorus: 3 mg (0%)

Potassium: 49 mg (1%)

Sodium: 2 mg (0%)

Zinc: 0,02 mg (0%)

Source: Usda (National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference)

Comments on article / news piece

#1 - Karina Soto
12/02/2013 21:23:24
Hola buenas tardes soy estudiante de ingeniería química y tengo como tarea entrevistar a 10 ing. químicos No sé si gustaría ayudarme y regalarme 10 minutos de su tiempo,las preguntas son: -¿Porqué elegío estudiar ing. química? -¿Cuál es su campo de trabajo¿ -¿Considera que es competitiva su área¿ -¿Qué oportunidades tiene de desarrollo? -¿Es bien remunerado su empleo? -¿Es difícil encontrar dónde laborar? -¿Considera que se cumplieron sus espectativas acerca de esta carrera? -¿Cuáles eran esas espectativas? -¿Qué tan flexible considera que es la ing. quimica en otras áreas? -Basado en su experiencia ¿considera que es una carrera sustentable?

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