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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Luis Blanco, Secretario General de la Asociación Vizcaína de Empresas Químicas
"The increase in the hope and quality of life in the West is through chemistry"

Interview with Luis Blanco, Secretary General of the Biscayne Association of chemical enterprises

Monica Daluz11/07/2008

June 30, 2008

The man in foot usually associate the word "chemistry" denaturation and the unhealthy. To mitigate this effect, Luis Blanco, Secretary General of the Biscayne Association of chemical companies, proposed "the active transparency". "We must explain in a simple and accessible way how our work is reflected in daily life and how we do it, without removing or adding a comma", he explains.
Luis Blanco, Secretary General of the Biscayne Association of chemical companies
Luis Blanco, Secretary General of the Biscayne Association of chemical companies.

What are the keys to the smooth running of the pole of Biscay?

First you may want to clarify that the chemical industry in the Basque country is much more than the pole of the port of Bilbao, still important, is not the only chemical site of our community.

Although, precisely between the companies located around the port we have companies of considerable size, the profile of the companies that form the Basque Association of chemical companies (AVEQ-KIMIKA) is rather small and medium-sized enterprises, of very different subsectors and who rely on professionals and technicians highly qualified individuals.

These three characteristics are that give so much dynamism to the partnership: a considerable number of companies with the need for and interest in collaborating with other companies.

What has been the evolution of the Basque chemical sector in recent years?

The Basque country, and especially Vizcaya, has been a zone of very early industrialization in Spanish history.

It is possible to say that the modern Spanish chemical industry was born in Bilbao in 1872 with the Foundation by Alfred Nobel in Galdacano dynamite factory. A. from there, and associated with major industrial sectors customers that were created in the territory, the chemical industry was emerging in more or less dispersed way, for example, chemical Assistant of the smelter in Vizcaya or auxiliary paper in Guipúzcoa sector.

This auxiliary function causes each subsector to evolve even to their client companies. All the chemistry associated with the construction marked record until this last year and now will have to be attentive to its evolution.

Manufacture of plastic raw materials and petrochemical sectors have suffered constant increases in the prices of its raw materials and the difficulties of impact such rises in their products in sectors such as automotive or household appliances of white line.

And there is a general risk due to the population pressure on facilities: plants installed in dates as far back as 1914 and 1946, on the left bank of the Nervion river for example, that with the historical evolution have been gradually surrounded by houses and facing strong pressure to abandon their locations.

We are going with the figures. Can you comment on the most significant data in the field of investment, production and export that has generated the Basque chemical sector as a whole?

We are talking about something more than 17,000 employees with a turnover in 2007 which reached slightly more than 10 billion euros. It is the first export sector of the Basque Autonomous Community with nearly 3 billion euros (17 per cent of the export of the entire Basque industry) and some shopping on the outside of some 2,600 million. It is the absolute leader in the Basque chemical sector in environmental certifications and security figures.

However, figures for investment in general, still quite good, have not been as high as the set of Basque industry. The increase in the investment of all industry in the Basque country has been very high in the last 8 years, however, in the chemical sector, that evolution has been rather more flat.

And there is a particularly worrying factor: the investment in r & d between 2000 and 2005 the total number of Basque industry sectors has increased by almost 51 per cent, reaching in 2006 more than 721 million euros. However, in the same period the evolution in our sector has been an increase of the 21,18%, from being the second sector of the Basque industry in this area (after the sector of transport equipment) to keep up in fifth place.

We now enter the "back office" of these numbers, in the added value of products which are manufactured and the weight that has research development and innovation as breadwinner and as an engine for the health of the chemical industry of the Basque country. Can you analyze this end?

The figures of added value, almost 1.7 billion euros in 2007, are considerable, because although there are still in the sector companies of commodities with low margins, increasingly there are highly specialized products and high value-added enterprises.

In this regard, the constant evolution to the rise in the ratio of 'value added per employee', is significant because this specialization in products joined investment in automation of processes, including in basic sectors, allowing a positive evolution of the costs.

"The chemist is the first export sector of the Basque Autonomous Community, with almost EUR 3 billion"

Unfortunately, people often associate the word chemistry to denaturation, even to the unhealthy do what you can do to banish this suspicion, this negative view of the chemical industry?

This issue is almost a personal obsession for me. Due to my legal training, to start my professional career in the sector, the technical me were discovering fundamental issues that citizens "of a foot" not ourselves.

When in some Forum I can say emphatically that the increase in the hope and quality of life in the Western world is due to the chemistry, a large part of the audience looks at me with surprise, but once you explaintalk about treatment of the water, the increase of crops with fertilizers and pesticides, you speak of food conservation and refrigeration, when you explain all these little miracles throughout the world, at least, reflect on them.

That is the major social challenge of chemistry explained simply that without it our life would be immensely shorter and much more painful.

Do you think that the chemical companies are forced to be in permanent image laundering to counter that perception? If you look at the TV spots, they it called to the emotional well-being, to the salud…., looking for a highly sweetened image. How do you view this trend of "chemical marketing"?

The chemical industry as such has a serious problem of "marketing" and is the great distance from their products to final consumers. You don't need advertising in media of masses for his commercial work.

I think that the solution is not so much advertising, nor even in the information through informative articles (although they are never wrong) I believe that it is a matter of active transparency, i.e., explain in a simple and accessible way how our work is reflected in daily life and how we dowithout removing or adding a comma.

For this work, I believe that an essential tool is commitment to progress, because it gives a very positive communication system, and encourages continued progress.

How do you address the issue of environmental liability?

When I started my work of management in Aveq-Kimika back in 1997, I raised, as a first project that we should address, activities aimed at raising environmental awareness. The Board replied that such activities were no longer necessary, were already made, and were right.

From there the companies need tools and legal certainty. And progress is constant and obvious.

How they include the management of potential incidents in their plants?

The Association has a specific area of work, called "Communication", which we define as "fill in the right to know with the communities and neighbors surrounding our plants". This is the work that we spent more time.

What do you think they should other communities or Spanish cities to revitalize its chemical industry?

The industry, not only chemistry, requires certain conditions that should encourage public authorities, is what we call give conditions to create a "competitive country". But among them I would highlight having a proper urban planning. With access to transport infrastructure and the security of safety distances will be respected.

Is it affecting the crisis generalized to the progress of the activity of industries in the sector?

Above all by the uncertainty. We are very attentive to the evolution of the figures. The first quarter of the year was not bad but will have to remain vigilant.

Finally, could you explain us what are the lines of action of the Association for the next few years?

We will continue along the same lines as so far. We still believe that the best help that we can provide to companies is to save you time in your work. All our services are designed for that
Human code

What I would say that it has been his "personal touch", his contribution since he assumed the leadership of the Association?

Perhaps provide legal insight to the problems of industry which, in many cases, derive from the constant need to adapt to the continuous changes in the rules.

What is the most important thing that brings its task in the direction of the Association?

On one occasion a small businessman, with 12 workers of staff, told me that I was thinking about quitting because the Systematics of the management of the regulations was too complex for a small company.

He pointed to Aveq-Kimika and today has more than 30 employees and has opened two offices in other autonomous communities.

Gratitude and confidence is a huge satisfaction for me.

Do you like most of your day to day head of the Association?

Help small businesses to continue creating wealth and employment in excellent conditions and security.

And which least?

The feeling of that society and some authorities do not want the industry. They do not appreciate the richness that brings, the quality of employment, the advantages to a community, and prefer a shopping centre, which also is much worse for the environment because you can only access to him by car...

Do you like to do in your leisure time?

The little time I have I try to devote to be with my family, for simple things such as going to the purchase.

Hobbies, who do not spend too long truth, such as reading, writing, especially stories, information technology, planning and programming applications on your computer in Windows... but less and less.

Tell me what is its main virtue

I think I have a large capacity empathetic, put me in the place of another.

And its main fault?

My family would say that too much time dedicated to work... and certainly they are right.

A desire to...

Sustainable development. That we are able to ensure our own needs and make compatible them with future generations to do the same, taking special care with the most disadvantaged.

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