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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Jesús Puago, presidente de Recinsa
“It is not real that the companies of spare parts sell more by the fall of sales in new units”

Interview to Jesús Puago, president of Recinsa

David Muñoz10/03/2014

In this 2014, Recinsa, specialist in the agricultural and industrial spare, celebrates his 35 anniversary. After his successful go through Fima and in front of the announcement that this year it will not assist to the fair Smopyc, interview to his president, Jesús Puago, to know his vision on the situation that crosses the market of the spare in Spain and deepen in the last initiatives that has taken the company to strengthen his growth.

Recinsa Carries present more than 35 years in the sector of the spare. How it has evolved the market of this typology of business?

The sector of the machinery, in the last years, has evolved very fast and with some similarity to the of the car, from the electronic point of view. Increasingly the tractors and the machinery in general, have big technological advances, leaving backwards a lot of mechanical works that 35 years ago were the heart of the business, especially in the agricultural sector.

Jesús Puago, president of Recinsa
Jesús Puago, president of Recinsa.

With which companies and marks work in Recinsa?

Recinsa Supplies spare parts in general of the main marks of tractors and machines of public work of independent way. We give a service multimarca being a recambista free. Obviously, we explain also with distributions of marks very concrete that manufacture components for first equipment.

How have structured his commercial network and of services?

From the first moment, the aim of Recinsa has been to be where find the customer. Therefore, we decide to mount own delegations. At present we have 10 distributed by all the national geography.

They distribute from the platform of Madrid to all the delegations?

Sure enough. Our central headquarters finds in Madrid and from her regulate the supplies to all our delegations and even realizar direct sendings to customers so as to optimise the service.

They supply also to external markets?

If. This has been one of our more recent aims and between others, one of the measures of expansion that is carrying out the company.

How it has affected the crisis to the sector of the spare?

Of schematic way and in general shots, has affected in the simplification of the repairs realizar by the workshops.

The fall of the sales of new machinery so much in the agricultural sector like the one of machinery of public works has improved the sale of components?

No. This is a question that in a lot of occasions have moved me in the last times. Sincerely it is not like this. It is necessary to take in consideration that, as it said previously, the repairs have simplified to the maximum, repairing only and exclusively the indispensable. Well it is truth that many of these repairs finally finish realizar again of form wider but, in general, is not real that the companies of spare parts sell more by the fall of sales in new units. And regarding the machinery of public work, the real problem is the fault of activity, there is not work. And if there is not work, do not break and consistently, do not sell spare parts.

Central headquarters of Recinsa in Madrid
Central headquarters of Recinsa in Madrid.

Which importance has purchased the incorporation of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in the majority of the equipment of face to the user?

In the agricultural field, for example, is very impactante see in the actuality how can seed the fields by means of technology GPS. The precision and optimisation of the field in this appearance is surprising. But more surprising is if it fits to see how can arrive to manage an exploitation by means of drones that help to control subject plantations to subventions, control of plagues and even the supervision of systems of irrigation, etc. Truly are amazing some of the advances to which are arriving... And those that will remain us for seeing in this appearance.

“Our expectations and aims for this 2014 are to surpass our percentage of growth of the last years”

It considers that the e-commerce has produced a before and an afterwards in the world of the spare?

In some concrete appearances himself, but in others consider that, in this moment, is not feasible can arrive to resolve the demand of a customer by means of this platform. With absolute sincerity this is what think.

Which importance has the logistics in the distribution in a business of these characteristics?

Is fundamental. This was one of the main appearances that motivated one of our main investments more recent, in our central headquarters of Madrid, and in good part of our national delegations.

In Madrid, created a new warehouse that multiplied our capacity of storage by two regarding square metres and height, and to this add him 12 warehouses robotizados that help so much in the optimisation of the space of storage as in the quality and agility of the service. Our national delegations have been also endowed of this type of storage to facilitate the management on all fronts.

What sue the customers to the hour to ask a spare?

In a very high percentage, service, quality and finally price.

Which differences finds between the customer of the agricultural sector to the industrial and in concrete, to the of machinery of public works?

Do not consider that they are customers very different. In both cases need a fast answer to his need of spare in front of a break. What really marks this difference that asks me is that the user of a machine of public works can not have it stopped had to mainly to the grave disorder that ocasiona to all his surroundings of work. The machines are used to to be one of the multiple links that form the chain in a work. It is fundamental to avoid that this stop because of an unexpected break.

The user of the tractor, instead, yes explains in occasions with something more than time as so that the service was not the fundamental and centre more in the quality and the price.

Jesús Puago, president of Recinsa, beside his son Iván Puago, general director of Recinsa
Jesús Puago, president of Recinsa, beside his son Iván Puago, general director of Recinsa.

The big multinationals have purchased skilled companies in a clear bet by a business in expansion, that supposes a source of additional income for his networks of distribution. This situation has forced to the companies recambistas to evolve to new strategies?

Himself. And we have to be very attentive, no only Recinsa, but all the Spanish companies of the sector. These big groups with international implantation can distort the traditional market of the spare in Spain. We would have to do something. On our part, can ensure him that we are putting in practice some measures to treat to minimise the impact that can represent in the market the arrival of these big groups.

Finally, how it was the exercise of 2013 and which expectations have for this new year?

The year 2013 for us has resulted positive. And our expectations and aims for this 2014 are to surpass our percentage of growth of the last years.

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