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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Manuel Muelas retoma la presidencia de AFCCM

Manuel Grind restarts the presidency of AFCCM


15 January 2013

Manuel Grind, president of AFCCM
Manuel Grind, president of AFCCM.

Manuel Grind Crag, the one who went founder and president of Association of manufacturers and Constructors of wooden Houses of Spain (AFCCM), as well as president of the signature ABS and main referent of this business grouping during more than five years, puts again at the head of the manufacturers and constructors of wooden houses, after being chosen unanimously of the assembly of the Association, celebrated recently.

“Have remained in evidence all the organisms of control, and has arrived the moment to speak clear, report and demand things —expressesed the president of AFCCM in front of his colleagues—. They have fracasado the roads of the mortgage, technical documents recognised (for the manufacture), numerous institutions and organisms of administration, etc.”.

In the new managerial board of the association remain represented the manufacturers and also constructors and importing of wooden houses.

Raquel Peláez, manager of the company 100x100Wood (distributor of the signature Kuusamo in the centre of Spain) was appointed vice-president, whereas the new vocal are Pere Linares (House Habitat) and Emilio Lauro (Canadian Nordic House Catalonia).

Olga Dwell-Coco, manager of the Spanish Federation of Industries of the Wood (FEIM), organisation in which it is integrated cheese cheese AFCCM, will occupy to develop the plan of work that will mark of face to the future the new managerial board.


The Association of manufacturers and Constructors of wooden Houses of Spain (AFCCM), integrated cheese cheese organisation in FEIM (Spanish Federation of Industries of the Wood) receives to the main Spanish companies devoted to the manufacture and setting, or to the import and construction of houses with wooden structure.

Created in the year 2000, the AFCCM is cream with the aim to defend the equivalence and compatibility of the constructive systems of his companies associated with others more known or conventional, as well as to give to know to the society the provision of the wood in the edificación.

A wooden house is that house whose structural elements are wooden and fulfils with the requirements of habitabilidad. The wooden houses can be of trunks and of entramado light. The ones of entramado light, to his time, can be modular (the assemble of modules realises in the plot) or of total construction in the own plot.

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