Carandell Maquinaria, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Carandell Maquinaria, S.L.
Sogorb, 97 - Pol. Ind. La Coromina
08560 Manlleu (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938514236  
Distributor of new machinery and used

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Carandell Maquinaria, S.L.

CARANDELL MACHINERY, S.L. It is a commercial company created in the year 1983. His initial activity was the repair of machinery.
The learning and experience of his personnel allowed him specialise in the commercialisation of metallurgical machinery.

CARANDELL MACHINERY, S.L. Today it is a company devoted to the dealers of machinery of start of shaving and deformation of sheet, conventional and with CNC, new and used.

CARANDELL MACHINERY, S.L., it represents marks of recognised national and international prestige with the wish to attend any demand or need of his customers.

CARANDELL MACHINERY, S.L. It has an own technical department highly described with the end to assist fast and effectively in front of any failure or query required by his customers. (Mechanical, Hydraulics, Pneumática, Electrical, Electronic and Programming.)

CARANDELL MACHINERY, S.L. In a surface of 1.000 m2 has of a permanent exhibition of new machines, machines used reconstructed and guaranteeed.