Biesse Ibérica W.M., S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Biesse Ibérica W.M., S.L.
Imaginació, 14 - Pol. Ind. La Marina
08850 Gavà (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑672319208   +34‑902415425  
🖷:  +34‑932633802

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Biesse Ibérica W.M., S.L.

Biesse Iberian is cream in the year 1999, like subsidiary of the group Biesse, with the spirit that characterises to Biesse, to provide a series of advantages and services to our customers. Attend a market with a human structure highly specialised in all the manufacturings of the wood, glass and stone, as well as provide a service of assistance and maintenance that guarantee the reliability of our product and the satisfaction of our customers.

Biesse Iberian this structured of form to give coverage to all the Iberian peninsula, has of more than 1.200 m2 of installations (room of demonstrations - centre of learning - warehouses of spare parts) with headquarters in Spain (Barcelona) and in Portugal (Lisbon) besides has a network of but of 20 entities collaborators that are formed in our dependencies with the aim to give an answer of immediate form in any part of the peninsula.

In the actuality Biesse offers the highest level of technological solutions in all the fields of the industry of the piece of furniture and the wood, glass and stone.