Moldeados Plásticos Alber, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Moldeados Plásticos Alber, S.L.
Entrecaminos, 23 - Parque Metropolitano Industrial y Tecnológico
18130 Escuzar (Granada) Spain
☎:  +34‑958800211   +34‑677129385  
Manufacture of components and articles of plastic

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Moldeados Plásticos Alber, S.L.

Familiar company of second generation, although the current society constitute in 1990, devote to the manufacture in plastic of industrial components and articles for the horticulture, the viverismo and the flower cut.

The company keeps a stock usually in the formats and standard colours, what allows to attend the requests to the moment, the articles ,special colours or with labels serve also in short terms, his machines are producing the 24 hours of the day.

From the year 2001 possess the certification ISO 9001:2000 that accredits that his system of management follows said international norm, this translates in Quality, and no only in articles without defects, but to quality in every aspect of the relation provider-customer, from the application of a budget, the sending of a request or the resolution of an eventual claim.

They use a high percentage of material recycled in the manufacture of his articles, and all they are recyclable to 100%, even so they follow improving from the environingingmental point of view and low request produce every time but articles with biodegradable material.