Albéniz Etiquetaje Industrial, S.L. | Eduardo Albéniz - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Albéniz Etiquetaje Industrial, S.L. | Eduardo Albéniz
Pol. Ind. Landaben - c/ E, s/n - Apartado Correos 4044
31012 Pamplona (Navarra) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑948187282  
🖷:  +34‑948187266

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Albéniz Etiquetaje Industrial, S.L. | Eduardo Albéniz

ALBÉNIZ is a group whose mission is the sale of industrial adhesive labels and identification labels, i.e., equipment or systems, printing (ribbon) and software supplies complete turnkey solutions.
ALBÉNIZ is a group whose mission is the sale of industrial adhesive labels and identification labels, i.e., equipment or systems, printing (ribbon) and software supplies complete turnkey solutions. complete solutions and industrial turnkey identification tags, i.e., equipment or systems, printing (ribbon) and software supplies. This may involve some or all of the following services: study, advice, proposal of alternatives, production, installation and after-sales service 24 h. service The market is primarily European. Engagement with shareholders is the generation of value on the basis of the satisfaction of its customers, employees and suppliers.

Staff motivated, well trained and trained, at all levels of the organization.
Continuous improvement in quality, the customer service and production costs, with direct participation of the staff of the Organization in the improvement actions.
Total orientation to the customer (proximity).
Maximization of synergies at group level for the benefit of the customer.
Ability to provide any solution at the best cost.
Reference technology.
Excellent quality and service.