C.R.D.O.P. Alicante - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.O.P. Alicante
Monjas, 6
03002 Alacant Spain
☎:  +34‑965984478  
🖷:  +34‑965229295
w:  www.crdo-alicante.org
Council regulator of the denomination of origin

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C.R.D.O.P. Alicante

The regulatory Council of the appellation of origin protected Alicante was created in 1957 to manage the denomination of origin that had been recognized in the year 1932. Its current headquarters is located in the city of Alicante and from here it is performed:-certification of origin "Alicante".
-The promotion of that same certification and wine culture of Alicante.

It is currently a "Corporation under public law", independent of any body but with some of their control activities supervised by the Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food.Also collaborate in their efforts to promote other organizations like the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, the ICEX (foreign trade Institute) or the IVEX (Valencian Institute of exports) together with other agencies and institutions of the province.otion other organizations like the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, the ICEX (foreign trade Institute) or the IVEX (Valencian Institute of exports) together with other organizations and institutions of the province.