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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fluidra instala la piscina olímpica con fondo y puente móviles más grande de España en el Club Natació Sabadell

Fluidra installs the largest Spain in the Club Natació Sabadell Olympic pool with mobile bottom and bridge


July 29, 2010

The Club Natació Sabadell has released its new water area of Can Llong, which includes an outdoor Olympic pool with mobile bridge and Fund carried out by the Fluidragroup, through its brand AstralPool. The construction is included in the project Carpe vallesano club has been promoted to key challenges in elite sports. The outdoor water area, in which lies the new swimming pool, has meant an investment of EUR 5.8 million in construction of the second phase of the facilities of the club in the neighborhood of Can Llong of Sabadellvalued at more than 18 million euros. The Olympic pool in the Club Natació Sabadell is the result of a strategic agreement signed in September 2007 with the multinational Fluidra, based in Sabadell, devoted to the development of applications for the sustainable use of water. The pool has been fully equipped with components of the mark AstralPool, from the hydraulic equipment to the competition and rescue equipment. "This strategic agreement is very beneficial for both parties involved because it speeds up the process of innovation, allowing put at the disposal of the end user much before it", has secured Amadeu Serra, general director of Fluidra Division SWE. For its part, the President of CNS, Carles Ruiz, has stated: "for the club this is a" historic moment. In the 90 years of its existence, we have always had a great desire for improvement, of growth, being larger and better every day in all our fields of action: the sporting, social and institutional. "This has led us to the present time, when we opened the new area of water in Can Llong which will allow not only the practice of sports at all levels, but also social development, a priority for the club".

The main features of this swimming pool among the mobile Fund made up of a platform, with a length of 25 meters long and width 12.5, submerged at the bottom of the glass of the swimming pool. The platform makes a movement of elevation that allows the modification of the depth of the pool floor, from two meters to level 0, facilitating the access of people above them. This mobility gives versatility to the installation, and makes possible the practice of any activity that requires touching of feet to the ground. The pool is complemented by a movable bridge that divides into two parts. This gateway is supported on a few Rails which moves towards the right or the left automatically. Thanks to it, the pool WINS in versatility and allows several activities at the same time.

Currently, the CNS has 18,000 m2 of covered facilities built. With the project of the second phase of Can Llong, are added 4,600 m2 of building, 6,000 m2 of parking and 12,000 m2 of outdoor facilities. At the end of the project, this surface will be increased by the Club Natació Sabadell to 40,600 m2.

View of the pool of AstralPool installed in the Club Natació Sabadell
View of the pool of AstralPool installed in the Club Natació Sabadell.

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