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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Veolia Water construirá una planta desaladora para el complejo petroquímico de Sadara, en la ciudad de Jubail

Veolia Water Will build a plant desaladora for the petrochemical complex of Sadara, in the city of Jubail


3 July 2013

Marafiq, has awarded to Veolia Water the design, construction and operation of the plant of ósmosis reverse and ultrafiltración bigger of the country. The economic scope of the agreement is of 232 million euros for the design and construction of the plant and of 69 millions for the operation of this during 10 years, with possibility of prorrogarlo in other 20 years more.

With a capacity of treatment of 178.000 metres3 to the day, the new plant will supply water desalada to the petrochemical complex of Sadara, built by the companies Dow Chemical and Saudi Aramco in the city of Jubail, in the oriental coast of Saudi Arabia. Dow Chemical And Aramco will produce solvent and glues in this plant for the industries of the automotive sector and the packaging and the water supplied will be employed in this complex giant in two towers of refrigeration and like water of contribution to boilers.

Veolia Water, through his subsidiary Sidem, has designed a plant that combines the technologies of ósmosis reverse and ultrafiltración for the treatment of water of mar. The initial phase consists in the pretratamiento by means of a system of flotation by air dissolved (DAF) followed of the ultrafiltración. To continuation, the water is desalada by means of membranes of ósmosis reverse before his remineralización final. The combination of these processes allows to ensure the quality of the water, reduce the risk of failures and lengthen the useful life of the installation, to the time that reduces the energetic consumption and the costs.


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