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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Estrategia 2020: Una apuesta por el ahorro y el uso eficiente de agua

Strategy 2020: A bet by the saving and the efficient use of water


11 February 2013

The fundamental aim of this strategy is to turn into precursor of the saving of the water, as well as increase the competitiveness and internationalisation of the Spanish companies of the sector of the water, in addition to promoting a skilled learning and of quality through the EA-ENA.
Afre bet by the saving of water and the best practices, thus it has elaborated an ambitious strategy in his put, but realistic. Several projects of said strategy already are under way, like the Smart Water Tecnologies, an informative supplement whose work of scientific divulging heads to to inform and form to the society on subjects related with water. And it is that this is a key point of the strategy: to reduce the consumption of water per person in our country, that at present is around the 700 cubic metres, is indispensable to explain him to the population to what equivale this quantity and how can go down it.
One of the aims will be to arrive to the 500 cubic metres, quantity in which it finds right now South Korea in consumption of water per person to the year. Therefore, it is necessary that reduce our footprint hídrica, for what AFRE is elaborating a series of decalogues by sectors that will help us to this.
And it is that the saving is responsibility of all. If we want to save and use eficientemente the water and the power in our installation or simply reduce his costs of gestión and maintenance, need to know the Smart Water Technologies.

What are the Smart Water Technologies technologies that help us to save water and cuidar of the environingingment?. Are specific (specifics), measurable ('measurables'), alcanzables ('attainables'), notable ('relevants') and timely ('timelies'). The majority allow us maximizar the saving and the productivity of the water, others allow us reutilizarla or incorporate new sources.

The final document of the Strategy 2020 Smart Water Technologies will approve officially in Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association of Companies of Spanish Technology of the Water (AFRE), the next 4 July 2013, coinciding with the International Seminar Smart Water Technologies and will present to the National Register of Innovative Business Groupings (AEI) of the Ministry of Industry, Power and Tourism.

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