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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Juan Ramón Rodríguez, presidente de Abe-L
“The logistical is an upward value”

Interview to Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of Abe-L

Editorial Interempresas06/11/2013

‘The human factor in the logistical companies. Juvenile employment and dual learning'. Under this title, Abe-L, pertaining to the Association for the Research of the Excellence (ABE), organised a day in which, among others appearances, spoke of the lacks in matter of learning of the logistical sector in our country and of the important paper that exerts the logistics in a company. Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of Abe-L, explains it to us in this interview.

Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of Abe-L
Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of Abe-L.

It exists in sufficient Spain resources of learning? It exists a culture of learning for employees of the logistical sector?

Spain has an important structural deficit in the dual professional learning, German system, and except some German companies, the dual professional learning does not have the aim, as in Germany, to create apprentices and pay them a wage from the first day. The Spanish system and Catalan of learning is based more in the theory that in the practice.

A lot of difference…

We could say that in Seat and in Germany the companies invest in the learning of his apprentices. With the Spanish system, the boys after 2 years studying do not have the necessary learning to provide value to the companies and have to be other 2 or 3 years forming in the practice in the companies.
FP Dual (Ministry of Education) FP Dual Seat (German system)
2 years 3 years
300-400 hours of practice 2.300 hours of practice
Without wage Wage between 250 - 530 €, according to course
Without recognition in Germany With recognition in Germany
Ministry of Education Companies


Differences between the system of FP Dual of the Ministry of Education and the proposed by Seat, according to the system implanted in Germany.

Then, it values for real the human factor in the sector?

Definitely, increasingly, values the human factor in the sector, thank you, among others, to the values that is promoting our association. Regarding the learning, think that fault a lot to be able to affirm that they are the logistical employees sufficiently formed and here also Abe-L is working with the companies and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in the creation of the future degrees of Professional Learning II in Logistics and seeing to implement so much the basic professional learning like the one of upper degree, like FP Dual German system.

It does years, for the companies the logistics was a secondary cost and today seems that this perception has changed. What has propiciado that this was like this?

The globalisation and the internalización have made possible a drastic change due to the fact that on the one hand, a lot of companies have expanded by the world, externalizando his logistics, between other activities, doing necessary and indispensable incorporate experts in all the branches of the logistics.

Today the companies compete by his chains of Supply Chain and contribute value, since they have happened, in a lot of cases, of fixed costs to variables. Increasingly it sees , especially in the big companies, that exists in the committees of steering of the companies, vice-presidents and logistical directors.

At present, even the logistical management begins to include in the organisation charts of some companies. We can speak of a revolutionary “change” for the sector?

Categorically, himself! In the most exporting countries like Germany, United States or China already see in the organisation charts of the high steering said charges. Here, if I put me I like example, went director of logistics 14 years ago, having been previously and during other 10 years manager of logistics of the factory of Martorell, but the revolution has arrived when small and medium enterprises saw that it was indispensable to understand the logistics in an all, no only the almacenero and the truck driver, and incorporated to his organisation charts the charges of managers of logistics.


During the days the Minister of Education spread relative data to the percentage of places of work by big planned sectors for the year 2020 (data of a study of Cedefop) and the one of the distribution and the transport resulted to be those that will present more opportunities in Europe and especially in Spain, above all the other. Definitely, it is a good news, now that a lot of youngsters opt for going out to the foreigner to look for work….

Yes, definitely. The Dual Professional Learning German system & Seat what does is to reestablish the figure of the apprentice, so common in other periods in Spain and that contributed a know be in a lot of places of expensive work to the public. We put for example a waiter: how many times complain in Spain that some do not know to treat to the customer/ tourist? In other countries can not go in as well as like this to work of face to the public without some basic requirements.
Moment of the day organised by Abe-L in the SIL 2013
Moment of the day organised by Abe-L in the SIL 2013.

Another of the data signalled that in spite of that the forecast of places of work will be high, the same forecast for titled in FP formed in this matter, will be low. What would recommend to the youngest?

Follow the example of Seat, where 100% (except that they do not happen the examinations) incorporates to the company to the term of his studies and always with a wage. Say them also that by what I see in the current offers of work, increasingly, request titled of FP for places of responsibility in the logistical organisation charts of the small and medium enterprises. Memory in said presentation also that the own Ministry indicated the 3 years for the FP and the elder so much percent of learning in the companies, what repercute in a greater experience, that to his time redundará in a greater contribution of value and in an increase of contracting of the titled in FP.

Why it considers that this sector will turn into an important economic engine growing above other sectors?

they are saying It From the central and autonomic governments, from the companies, the patronales, the social agents, the newspapers, etc., but the important is to see that the tax of unemployment in the logistical field is drop and that each day, if they read the newspapers, look for more logistical with languages to go to the countries where the Spanish multinationals are present. The logistical is an upward value.

It thinks that the companies bet by the contracting of qualified personnel? They are conscious of the value added that supposes to optimise the competitiveness?

Increasingly the companies control the costs of all the chain. It does few years I asked in the forums, where did of apostle of the learning and of the logistics: What costs them an apprentice to your companies? Silence. And it followed I: Which is the cost of the logistical chain? Again, more silence.


But this has changed...

Today the truth is that we already control almost all the costs, say almost, because we still have a lot of discussions with the ones of learning. Yes, to me it costs me zero since the learning the pay the Government, but and what spend in forming them when ingresan in the company? This investment Are paying it today the companies. Nowadays I can sentence that the majority of companies hire only personal qualified that they help them to go down the costs to be able to be more competitive.

Speak us of the human factor in the logistical Read.

I do not know really like defining it of easy form so that it understand me , but will say that the human factor is like the air for the people, the engine for a car and more with the values that we want to inculcar in the youth, and are: respect, commitment, responsibility, rigour, effort, integrity, humility, perseverance, ethical, tolerance, the love by the detail and the research of the excellence.

ABE Has a big experience in the logistics in the industry of the automotive sector. In bold strokes, it enjoys this of a good moment in Spain?

The industry of automotive sector is pioneering in crowd of technologies. It knows that in a car there is some 600 distinct technologies and that it is the half where more R&D there is inside all the sectors fabriles? The logistics of the car is, definitely, the greater referent where look and learn other sectors. If we see a factory that work in Read Manufacturing and with system of Just in time (JIT), see that all the world is focused to the excellence and to the constant elimination of the wastes. This would give to write a book... Only allow me, not to extend me, refer me to the Spanish industry, where Seat, Mango, El Corte Inglés, Inditex, etc. are world-wide referents because of his excellent logistical process, with crowd of innovations, even in the transport by railway industry, without forgetting us of his planning of the production.

It finish the sentence: “A chain of supply will be effective and efficient whenever…”

Whenever it give satisfaction to his customers —the customer is the king— and contribute value and competitiveness to his company, with the quality required and in the committed time.

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