
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at De volar a navegar

Fly to navigate

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/09/2003

Does already time that fly is by the clouds. What did not imagine was that besides they went passengers some privileges of the volador susceptible to suffer the syndrome of the class tourist. Iberia Will earn the foods in his flights with destination to Europe and will limit the distribution of newspapers, and others like Air Europe already are earning the opíparo breakfast on board of his flights. So, as it is the fly, seems that to the people has given him for sailing. For sample, a data incontestable: the portal of the industry of the plastic in internet,, beat the past month of July his record of visitors and pages seen as it collects the record of the Office of Justification of the Diffusion (Or.J.D.) Corresponding to the month of July. In concrete, added in this month a total of 46.565 visitors with a total of 134.316 pages seen, results that bend the achieved the same month of the previous year and confirm to the platform of communication of Universal plastics / as the absolute leader of the sector of the plastics in the world of Hispanic speech.

Is obvious that when somebody accesses to this type of portals so skilled looks for something related with our sector and in this sense the important increase of the number of navegantes no only positions to as the main source of information of the sector of the plastics in Spanish, but it puts of self-evident the need of information of the professionals of the sector.

And this occurs when the investments in Europe are delaying , of the same form that the so longed for economic recovery. It recognised it the commissioner of Economic and Monetary Subjects, Pedro Solbes, the one who in a report distributed to the European ministers of Financialss signalled the quoted delay and affirmed besides that the economic recovery in the zone euro will be “less strong” that the foreseen does some months.

Anyway that while the big aerial companies have the newspapers explained, some economies racanean in despuntes and other despuntan thanks to the extraneous money --Schröder dixit-- shows his face more sonriente with some excellent results. It will be, probably, that since flying will not be able to us remove neither the hunger of information, sailing at least the professionals find how satiate his hunger to know.

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