Aceites del Sur-Coosur, S.A. - Grupo Acesur - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Aceites del Sur-Coosur, S.A. - Grupo Acesur
Ctra. Madrid-Cádiz, km 550,6
41700 Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑954690900   +34‑953631163  
🖷:  +34‑954690450
Processing and marketing of olive oil and derivatives

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Aceites del Sur-Coosur, S.A. - Grupo Acesur

Acesur has accumulated experience of over 150 years in the sector of the production, packaging and marketing of olive oil and other vegetable and oils derived from olives. An experience that has established him as the leading national group in the oil sector in Spain, with exports to more than 85 countries around the world.

Acesur history is a story of tradition, dedication, innovation and love to oil. A history that was founded in 1840, with the name of 'Oils and soaps Luca de Tena', and now has more than 600 professionals identified with an ambitious project and brands in the world.

After more than a century and a half of experience, Acesur continues to maintain its signs of identity as a company of family base but with a high degree of competitiveness and dynamism, thanks to a permanent commitment with the quality and the pursuit of satisfaction of consumers. This commitment has enabled the company to continuously maintain a sustained growth during the last decade, with export levels exceeding 40% of the total production.

With headquarters in the Seville municipality of Dos Hermanas and implementation in different parts of Spain (Madrid, Toledo, Cuenca or Jaén), Acesur covers all processes and markets that are integrated into the buttery sector: produces, refines, packaged, marketed and exported olive oil and other vegetable oils, as well as other products derived from the olive, such as olives, Vinegars, sauces and dressings, mayonnaise or pâtés.