Soluciones Integrales de Laboratorio, S.L. (Tecnilab) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Soluciones Integrales de Laboratorio, S.L. (Tecnilab)
Cereal, parc. 34-36, nave 1 - Pol. Ind. La Llave
19170 El Casar de Talamanca (Guadalajara) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑949335460   +34‑949334824  
Manufacturer of analysers

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Soluciones Integrales de Laboratorio, S.L. (Tecnilab)

Tecnilab Is a company of integral services for industrial laboratory. It was created in the year 1996 by his founder Juan Carlos Mohino Guerrero. Tecnilab Created with the intention to compete in the market of services for laboratory with a team of qualified technicians, no only to resolve the problems of the customers, if no also with the intention of innovar the development and growth of the companies that are our customers improving his performance and offering greater profits.


Tecnilab, like company, considers like paramount aim satisfy the needs that can have our customers and no only encourages for loaning a better service and of greater quality if no also provides a series of innovations that reduce the cost for our customers achieving like this a greater satisfaction so much for the customer as for us.


Tecnilab has participated of active form in the regeneration of the checkpoints of the hydrography of the river Duero. An ambitious project of renewal that will allow a faster and effective taking of data for the analysis and control of the water that allowed to Tecnilab take contact with engineers specialised no only in practical solutions for the analysis and the effective production if no also with the world of the telecommunications since the information that analyses in the checkpoints is sent via satellite. Tecnilab With the collaboration of engineers in telecommunications achieved an improvement of 12 seconds by analysis and the necessary hygiene to avoid possible overload in the sending of the data.


Tecnilab developed a modification for an Analyser NIR that diminished considerably the costs of maintenance of these since it allowed a greater durability of the same with the consequent saving in his spare that to the not being manipulated with so much frequency loaned an elder and better performance.