Salvador Escoda, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Salvador Escoda, S.A.
Rosselló, 430-432
08025 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑934462780   +34‑934501308   +34‑934462781  
🖷:  +34‑934569032
Distributors of supplies and accessories for refrigeration, air conditioned, heating, ventilation and isolations.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Salvador Escoda, S.A.

Salvador Escoda, S.A. is a company devoted to the supply of material for installations of Ventilation, Air Conditioned, Heating, Refrigeration and Isolations. Founded in 1974, Salvador Escoda S.A. along his path, has consolidated his position like one of the leaders of the distribution in his sector of the Spanish market and initiates an incipiente exporting activity to Europe, Latin America and the North of Africa.

The central headquarters of the company finds in the centre of Barcelona, in whose belt situate the regulatory warehouses, that with a total surface of more than 20.000 m2 resupply of materials to all the delegations, presents in fourteen provinces. At present it has an upper staff to the 300 people and a wallet of more than 14.000 customers.

Under his marks EscoClima and EscoFred manufactures boxes of ventilation of diverse types, air-conditioners, aerotermos, units condensadoras, modules of retention of fats and accessories such like supports for external units of air conditioned, trays for condensed, etc. In the year 2002 incorporated his own mark of air conditioned, Mundoclima, with a wide range of models of wall, am used to/ceiling, pipe, rinconera, window, portable, pipe...