Omron Electronics Iberia, S.A.U. - Contact data

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Omron Electronics Iberia, S.A.U.
Arturo Soria, 95
28027 Madrid Spain

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☎:  +34‑902100221   +34‑913777900   +34‑913777902  
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Omron celebrates its 75th anniversary with activities of volunteer work and green initiatives

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Omron Electronics Iberia, S.A.U.

With the celebrations of the 75th anniversary is this work a step further, with a program of five months of 'Eco-Volun' environmental initiatives and work voluntary, that will culminate with a major donation to the designated charities.ontrajo long time commitment to create a better society and each year the different headquarters of the company around the world celebrate 'Day Omron' with support for local charities and social welfare activities.

With the celebrations of the 75th anniversary is this work a step further, with a program of five months of 'Eco-Volun' environmental initiatives and work voluntary, that will culminate with a major donation to the designated charities. Between May 10 and September 30, 2008, employees of Omron will participate in different activities, ranging from initiatives to increase recycling and energy saving up to aimed at the community and charitable work. To start this event, Omron Europe companies have devoted the afternoon of May 9, 2008 to participate in local activities of social contribution.

Until the end of September, all employees of Omron will receive 'Eco-Volun' points by the activities developed. The company will make donations to the charities designated, based on the number of points that all employees have won. Omron Europe will allocate this donation to the project of health education in Malawi Red Cross.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries with a higher density of population of Africa. Register high rates of illnesses such as AIDS, malaria, as well as respiratory diseases and nutritional deficiencies. The Red Cross works with the Government of Malawi to provide a health education program aimed at pregnant women, in order to reduce the infant mortality rate. The points achieved in the activities of the 75th anniversary of Omron Europe will be used to support this program.

In a message to employees, Yoshio Tateisi, Chairman of the Omron group, stated the following: "I invite you to each of you to participate in our 75th anniversary as an opportunity to reflect the meaning of the corporate core value of Omron. Together with you, I'd renew our commitment to creating a better society, a sustainable society in which all can live and prosper".