Marel Food Systems, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Marel Food Systems, S.L.
De La Pagesia, 22-24, Piso 1º A - Pol. Ind. La Bastida
08191 Rubí (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑931221250  
🖷:  +34‑36655843
Equipment for the industry of the processed of foods.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Marel Food Systems, S.L.

Marel Is the provider world-wide leader of equipment, systems and services advanced for the industry of the processed of fish, meats, birds and products elaborated. His marks - Marel, Stork Poultry Processing and Townsend Further Processing- are between the most respected of the sector. Joined offer to his customers the comfort to have of an only source of products that will answer to all his needs.

Innovation to the service of the market

The position of Marel like leader of the sector has to to a large extent to the importance that gives him to the innovation. Since, along the more than 35 years of path has evolved to the compass of the needs cambiantes of the alimentary industry. The strategy of development of the company centres in the “innovation based in the market” a philosophy according to which the stimuli and the ideas of new products proceed of the needs of our customers and no only of the engineers.
Marel Contributes solutions that combine machinery and advanced software, automating an important part of the process and monitoring to the workers in the manual places to take out the maximum performance of each piece.
For more information do not doubt in contacting with