Hepyc Manufacturing, S.A.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Hepyc Manufacturing, S.A.U.
Pol. Ind. Ibarluze, 57 E - Izda. (Barrio Zikuñaga)
20120 Hernani (Gipuzkoa) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑943335040   +34‑943335225  
🖷:  +34‑16707110
w:  www.hepyc.com
Tool of Cutting

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Hepyc Manufacturing, S.A.U.

Manufacturas Hepyc Is a manufacturer with more than 60 years of experience in the market of the tool of cutting. His recent fusion with the Mechanical national manufacturer Phoenix situates it between the leaders in manufacture of tools for the threaded, in addition to giving a wide coverage to the applications of special pieces.

The company has a logistical centre with more than 15.000 references in stock in the Basque Country and a centre of production and R&D in Catalonia. In addition to an extensive network of delegations with own deposit.

In the international plane, Hepyc RF continues consolidating as it marks leader with presence in more than 30 countries of all the world.

An organisation based in the management by processes certified by the stamp of quality ISO 9001:2000, with the aim to attain the maximum efficiency in the service to his customers by means of: a personalised attention, a service post-agile and effective sale, a service of technical advice and of special tool. Besides Hepyc RF offers one of the widest ranges of tool of cut, with a high technological level in constant development and innovation.

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