Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U.
Plaza Tetuán 40, 2ª Planta
08010 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑932476190   +34‑677454700  
🖷:  +34‑932476191
w:  www.haver.es
Solutions of ensacado and packaging for industries so diverse like the industry of the cement, chemical, agro-alimentary, mineral or materials of the construction, between others. Systems of heavy, ensacado-packaging and processing of materials, from the storage until the paletizado final

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Haver & Boecker Ibérica, S.L.U.

HAVER & BOECKER Is an average familiar company with central headquarters in Oelde, Westfalia, Germany. Under the umbrella of HAVER & BOECKER OHG find his two big divisions, Machinery and Metallic Cloth. Jointly with other 50 subsidiaries in the 5 continents conform the Group HAVER with more than 2.700 employees and 150 representatives.
The Division of Machinery specialises in technology of ensacado and heavy. It develops, it produces and it commercialises systems and plants of filled and processed of material to granel of any type. The rank of products includes ensacadoras and systems of load for products in dust and granulated, ensacadoras for products agro-alimentary, as well as stations of filled and complete lines of filled for liquid and pasty products. The range of products is expanded with screens, systems of wash of arid, complete lines of paletizado, stirrers, mezcladores, units of paletizado and systems of load and download of trucks and ships.
The Division of Metallic Cloths produces wire mesh and processes it in products of engineering for sifted and filtered in the chemical industry, plastic, automotive sector, electronic, agro-alimentary, like this coma in applications of projects of architecture and sieves of analysis.

Marks of the Group Haver:
BHEN+BEAT: Solutions of ensacado for the alimentary industry
FEIGE FILLING: Solutions for the filled of liquids and pasty.
SOMMER: Solutions of mixed for treatment and packaging.
NEWTEC BAG PALLETIZING: Automatic solutions for final of line (paletizado)
IBAU HAMBURG: Solutions for the storage and handling of solids.
HAVER & TYLER: Solutions of sifted, wash and classification of arid.