Giropès, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Giropès, S.L.
Pol. Ind. Empordà Internacional, Calle F, Parcelas 15 y 16
17469 Vilamalla (Girona) Spain
☎:  +34‑972527212  
🖷:  +34‑972527211
Solutions of weighing, scales and instruments of weighing.

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Giropès, S.L.

Giropès Is a company created does almost 20 years with a wide experience inside the sector of the weighing industrial.
Specialised in the design, development, manufacture and commercialisation of industrial scales, has of a complete range of products, which covers from scales bridge, platforms and weighing mobile until indicators and cells of load.
Besides Giropès has a second mark, Baxtran, with which commercialises all the range of corresponding products to the small weighing such like scales, platforms, indicators or weigh of precision.
It has of a big variety of products, with the aim to satisfy the different needs delos customers, offering personalised solutions i adjusted to all type of problems of weighing.
For a greater comfort for the final user and to be able to guarantee a service posventa of quality, fast and effective Giropès has a wide network of distributors by Europe and big part of Africa. Network that has grown exponencialmente these last five years.
Giropès Has of the standard of quality ISO9001 that allows him realizar the verifications in factory of the products.