Gimon, S.L. - División Alimentaria - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Gimon, S.L. - División Alimentaria
Ctra. C-17z, km 72,3
08508 Les Masies de Voltregà (La Gleva) (Barcelona) Spain
☎:  +34‑938502565  
🖷:  +34‑938502292
Installations of liquids for the alimentary industry

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Gimon, S.L. - División Alimentaria

Gimon, that in 2011 celebrated the 40 years of his foundation, is specialised in the implementation of equipment and solutions for the addition and dosage of liquids in different processes of the alimentary industry and agropecuaria.

It offers a global service (key in hand), that covers the design of the installation, the realisation and setting of the same, and an effective technical service post-sale, all this realizar by a highly skilled team, that advises to the customer in all his needs and offers the installations key in hand.

It has of workshop typical of skilled boilerworks in the manipulation of stainless steel, being able to manufacture any container to measure that the customer request.

It works continuously to be to the avant-garde of the sector and apply the last technology to all the products.