Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A.
Av. Olimpiades, 89-91 - Pol. Ind. Can Rosès
08191 Rubí (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑936806500  
🖷:  +34‑936806501

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A.

Germans Boada, S.A., RUBI, has his starts in 1951 as a result of the invention by the brothers Boada of a manual cutter for hydraulics mosaic. This new tool had an excellent acceptance, achieving the diploma of honour and the medal of gold in the first national exhibition of inventions celebrated in Barcelona in 1953.

The new tool, baptised with the name of RUBI, served of pillar to develop a company that at present designs, manufactures and distributes machinery and construction tools and especially all the necessary team to realizar the correct placing of the ceramics and other materials of work.

The continued work to national and international level of Germans Boada, S.A. beside the quality and provision of the extensive range of products RUBI, has achieved a firm positioning in all the markets and the enthusiastic acceptance of the best professionals of the five continents.

With the aim to give a more personalised service and adapt to the needs of each market, Germans Boada, S.A. has in his organisation, areas of performance: international, and national, in addition to having direct presence in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, United States, Germany, England and Mexico. This organisation allows to satisfy to the customers of more than 140 countries with total guarantee of success.

In this sense to favour the internationalisation, Germans Boada, S.A. already adopted the Euro like main coin from the 1/1/1999.