Elettrorava Ibérica Servicios, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Elettrorava Ibérica Servicios, S.L.
Lisboa, 4
08191 Rubí (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑935887626   +34‑935886943  
🖷:  +34‑935884089
w:  www.elettrorava.es
Manufacture and construction of machines regulators industrial. Manufacture of machines regulators automatic. Equipment of balanced portable. Monitory and analysis of vibrations. Equipment measured and alignment laser

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Elettrorava Ibérica Servicios, S.L.

75 years being pioneering in balanced: The Engineer Antonio Rava in the year 1922 founds in Turín the first factory, building products with motors of high speed, being necessary the development of systems of balanced that they did not exist in the market.

From his starts Elettrorava is present in the main industrial fairs.

During the following decades Elettrorava did not leave to grow and to incorporate new products. With the step of the time did necessary expand and modernizar the installations, thus in 1966 inaugurated the new installations.

The new installations are situated in Savonera (Torino) and consist of a plant of 10.000 m2 for manufacture, situated in some terrains of 30.000 m2.

In the new installations is where manufacture the regulators as well as the rest of products of Elettrorava.

But Elettrorava has not limited to the Italian field, but it has grown and has extended by the world, establishing centres of production and distribution by all the world.

The main centres of production are situated in Turín (Elettrorava S.P.To.) And in Rubí (Barcelona) Elettrorava Iberian.

In the actuality Elettrorava has of distributors all over the world: Great Britain, France, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Korea, China, Australia, South Africa, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil and Panama.