Automatismos Teinco, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Automatismos Teinco, S.L.
C/ Manuel Costas Bastos,38
36317 Candean (Pontevedra) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑696994842   +34‑938771121  
Instrumentation for the sectors feeding and chemist.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Automatismos Teinco, S.L.

The company Automatisms Teinco, S.L. Was founded by the Mr. José María Brunet in the year 1989 after a long professional path in the sector of the instrumentation, with the aim to achieve a company leader in said sector, and for this has devoted since time, effort and the necessary means to achieve said aim day in day out.

The market is wide: from the companies of feeding of meats, fish and vegetal, until the chemical and dairy sector. With a wide offer of equipment and systems to adapt and even manufacture to measure of the customers, to which advise from the first moment and afterwards in the service of pre-post sale.

Have also of a laboratory for the calibration of pressesure gauges, thermometers and equipment of measurement of temperature.

Explain besides with a youngster instrument that each day tries to improve, so much to human level, as in his work to achieve that Automatisms Teinco, S.L. Was recognised in all the sectors like a company of prestige and quality.

The equipment have been exported to several countries of Europe, Central America south America, Africa and the project is to continue expanding countries to the long and width of the world.