Soretrac, S.A. - Stretch film wrapping machines

Soretrac Serie RC

Semi-automatic mobile robot: for enfardar with film estirable

Picture of Semi-automatic mobile robot
Soretrac Presents the robot of the series RC with 4 available models. It is mobile and semi-automatic and is thought for enfardar with film estirable.

The main characteristic is his mobility since it is the device the one who goes to the palette, in place to have to displace the palette until the machine. Ideal for light or difficult palettes to move until the machine.

This robot uses a fotocélula to read automatically the height of the palette. It has of a loaders of automatic batteries of high frequency. His speed of advance is regulable. The speed of promotion and descent is independent and regulable. It realises the individual regulation of the inferior and upper revolutions. The height of the useful load to effect the paletización is of 2.300 mm.

The cycle of paletización is exclusively in ascending steering and exclusively in downward steering, downward ascending/cycle, and cycle with capuchón of protection. The transmission of the car portabobina is by means of belts. It has a device (parachute) of hygiene, in case that they break the belts. The machine can mount lateralmente in the carretilla elevadora, to effects to transport it.

It has of the function of learning, with adjust of the following cycles: packaging of effort, until 4 different points and with a number of past different in each point. Cycles of packaging with start or stop of the car to different heights. Cycles of packaging with the fotocélula desactivada for special loads or particularly heterogeneous. The cycles of paletización without recarga are of between 350 until 400 s.

It includes a device of frontal hygiene for the robot in the situations of emergency. Besides it has an indicator of the state of the battery, and a wheel of the palpador regulable in height.

Like optional equipment has of the possibility to have an useful height for the paletización of between 2.450 until 2.800 mm.

The different models of robot are:

- RC1 with preestirado motorised regulable of 0 to 350%.

- RC2 with preestirado motorised 200% (1 m=3 m).

- RC3 with electromagnetic friction.

- RC4 with mechanical friction.