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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Aefam celebra su Asamblea General Ordinaria de 2009

Aefam celebrates its ordinary General Assembly of 2009


May 5, 2009

Aefam, Spanish Association of manufacturers and lessors of buildings Prefabricadas modular, He has held its ordinary General Assembly of 2009.

At the meeting, sponsored by Panurania and now solutions, they were passed, among other issues, the report and accounts for the financial year 2008 and the budget and Action Plan for 2009. Also, and to fill the vacancy in the Board of directors after the absorption of Wiron by Algeco, unanimously approved the appointment of Abc architecture Modular, represented by its director general Luis Morró, as a vowel. Thus, the Board has seven members, although the Association does not rule out extending the number of its members should be incorporated new partners.

On the other hand, the activities referred to in the aforementioned Plan, special mention deserves that relating to the performance that will take place before the public administrations in order to seek a solution to the situation of late payment and delay in payments currently facing the sector. In the same vein, in the most important projects of the Association for the current year, the development of a specific ERP/CRM/BI tool for the sector and which has requested a grant within the 2009 Innoempresa Plan was adopted.

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