Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Rubbish containers

Tanks carries Big Bag: with cover upper with roast and cylinder of gas

Picture of Tanks carries Big Bag
Disset Odiseo Has of the tank container of hygiene for the storage of demolitions and undone in stock exchanges Big Bag. Designed to place a flexible stock exchange Big Bag of 1.000 litres, is ideal to have in any work or factory where generate all type of demolitions.

It has of a cubeto of retention stagnate integrated cheese cheese with rejilla galvanised to store liquids and base with structure designed to be able to manipulate the tank with carretilla elevadora. Of this way facilitates the transfer according to the needs.

It covers it upper has roast and pestillo to protect of the rain. The opening and closing are controlled by means of 2 cylinders of gas.