Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Shelf carts

Roll contenendor Of mesh: with base of plastic

Picture of Roll contenendor Of mesh
The roll contenendor of mesh, offered by Disset Odiseo, is a structure of wand maciza of steel cincada with base of plastic reinforced.

It diminishes the noise caused by the rozamiento between metallic pieces. Thanks to his base of plastic, the roll container characterises by his little weight and the availability in several colours.

It is a very used product in lavanderia. The container is hygienic and easy to clean. Can use systems of cleaning with steam. The sides are endowed of cincha textile with tensor. The wheels possess a diameter of 100 mm. It delivers disassembled.

Of optional form can be instrumented with a third wall, fourth wall with half door, shelf, support for documents and plate with name identificativo