Engineering Application for Fine Filtration, S.L. (Ehaff) - Air filters


Equipment of leak of air: for an optimum purification of the air

Picture of Equipment of leak of air
The filters of air AFS are devices of mechanical leak. The combination of preseparadores multinivel with diverse procedures of postfiltración and postseparación achieves an optimum purification of the air in all the cases of practical application.

They apply mainly for fogs of oil and of emulsions, fogs MMKS (lubricación minimum), smoke of oil and of welding and dry dusts.

They fulfil the legal norms on values limit of air of leakage (values MAK), TRGS 900, VDI 2262, in diet of circulation and explulsión of air.

They separate fogs of oil and of emulsions (values MMKS), as well as of smoke and dry dusts with an only model of device. There are not electrical pieces under high tension, that is to say, there is not risk of explosion or fire.